kiba x reader ch. 6

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Kiba's P.O.V

I wanted to tell her....but I couldn't...I was to nervous to even heart was racing and my throat was getting dry.....why does she have to be so beautiful and perfect....

Kiba- um.....d-do you....uh...want some water or something to drink I'm kinda thirsty?

Your p.ov.

(Y/n) - oh uhh sure thank you...

'That's so werid of kiba' you thought to yourself.

Kiba's P.O.V
I left the room quickly and headed down stairs.

'Why is my heart beating so fast......can she hear it?....stop over thinking this kiba you can do it....but what if she rejects me.....will our friendship ever be the same if she does?.......'

I grabbed a cup and filled it with water. I went back to my room only to find (Y/n) alseep.

'She's to beautiful even when she's asleep....'

I slowly climbed into bed and turned away from her.

'I hear it her its her heart.....she's nervous too....has she not been in a bed with a man besides her relitives before?....maybe I should comfert her....'

You're P.O.V.
I was so nervous I couldn't even talk to him for the rest of the night....I hope he didn't notice I wasn't wearing any pants....

Kiba came back with water. Then went to sleep...I hope he can't hear my heart....maybe I should stop over thinking and sleep.

Sorry it's short. I'm deeply sorry it took so long and I really hope you enjoy. Let me know what you think will happen next and please feel free to tell me what you would want out of this story I love you guys ~

Kiba x reader ch. 1 acceptanceWhere stories live. Discover now