kiba x reader ch. 2 pain

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You kept walking till you came to a stop not knowing where to go.

Kiba: (y/n) where are you going and what's wrong.

Kiba said catching up. You turned to him as you began to cry.

(Y/n): that man wasn't my father! My mother fell in love with another man I'm no longer a Mitsuo!

You yelled as you fell crying when Kiba caught you.

Kiba: (y/n) I know its not what you expected but what if your parents switched places. What if your father died instead of your mother what if --

You cut Kiba off and started to yell again

(Y/n): Kiba my mother died protecting me from rapeists that means my father couldn't do that! That day he was on a mission that means theres no way he could die instead of her! It means my father never married my mother!

Toshiro: you're wrong you did die from protecting mom and you. We came back early and he was going to pick you up from school.... I'm mad mom remarried.....but as long as she's happy then I am to. I knew you both were acting different but I thought it was cause Kiba got you pregnant but I didn't think it was this at all. I noticed when Kiba introduced himself and called her Mrs. Mitsuo. Our fathers name wich means shining hero. Mom couldn't bear being alone for the rest of our life and having to deal with us having no father figure in our life. She may have loved a man before dad but that man also got married. But she still found someone like dad. He hates hearing his last name but he has to live with it. He hates both of us but he won't admit it.

Kiba: so your extremely smart here to then huh

Toshiro smirked, Toshiro started walking tords you and put his hand on your shoulder.

Toshiro: (y/n) stay with Kiba for now this world that man you seen is abussive and also takes an advantage of you.....I can't stand it but because he's married to mom I can't take charge.

Kiba's eyes filled with anger.

(Y/n): why did they take dad then! Why!

Toshiro: they took him because he asked them to.....he told them he can get and give them whatever they asked for so they would spare his life....but they killed him after he took half of there men. Dad died in honor and swore to protect his family.

Kiba: ok but what am I going to do my mom would never let a girl stay with me let alone she wouldn't even stop laughing at how I got the girl.

Toshiro kissed your forehead

Toshiro: Kiba your mom isn't here ether.......instead of your father gone she is....its almost the opposite in this world. Everyone around you is the same except the people you love in your family.

Kiba: how do I explain this to him and what about hana is she still the same.....

Toshiro: hana is out on a mission so it won't be as hard....and she is more.....nice but she's cocky and sarcastic

Kiba: at least somethings are the same.....

Toshiro: tell him there is an issue at our house and its being settled.....I doubt you'll need to say or even explain it but its just in case.

Kiba: ok I got it....this will be our secreat right?

Kiba asked and Toshiro nodded

Toshiro: take care of her.....(y/n) be smart.......I love you.....

Toshiro dissapread as you pulled away from Kiba as you both started walking.

Kiba: damn it I hope I still live in the same spot.

You giggled and pushed him gently. You both arrived and releaved.

Kiba:hope this goes well......

Kiba opened the door to dogs jumping and barking in joy to see Kiba as he bent down.

Kiba: hey guys I missed you to...... Hey dad I'm home

A tall man who looked just like Kiba came from the kitchen with a smile on his face.

Kiba's dad: hey son....Toshiro already told me about what happened and I understand..... Ms. Mitsuo can stay in your room as long as there's no funny business.... Don't forget to feed and wash the dogs tomorrow morning good night son, good night ms. Mitsuo

Kiba's dad said with a smile as he walked passed. You both said good night in unison.

(Y/n): and here I thought you took after your mom

You said with a smirk as Kiba chuckled and sighed

Kiba: its both.....but my mom is more wild and uncontrollable....but as for my dad you can see he's more respectful and kind..... I have both of them in me

You smiled and layed on his bed and closed your eyes. Kiba's eyes widened and you opened your slightly.

(Y/n): what's wrong its getting late so are you gonna lay down and go to sleep

Kiba stiffened and laid down slowly and had his back facing you.

Kiba: good night......princess

(Y/n): good night dog boy....

You closed your eyes as tears started falling down your face as you moved closer to him. Kiba opened his eyes and turned his head you and looked worried.....he turned and held you

Kiba: its going to be ok I'm here

Kiba x reader ch. 1 acceptanceWhere stories live. Discover now