Truth or deny

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"I mean seriously Simon, we just talked about this and you go and pull a stunt like that. Who knows who got that on their phone?" His mother angrily said as they continued the drive back "home". He sighed and continued to look out the window. She had been going on and on about him kissing Simon before they left for the last 10 minutes. He barely said anything because he really didn't want to have a back and fourth argument with her at the moment. So he just let her yell and he didn't say a word, blank look on his face, nodding every now and then.

"Are you even listening to me? Look I know you think you like him but you're so young, wilhelm. You don't know as much as you think you do and this time in your life, you need to focus on the important tasks at hand which is being the crown prince." He scoffed and shook his head, his jaw tensing up. His eyes followed the trees that passed him second after second. They were just blurring by and he tried to focus on that rather than the words his mom was saying. He didn't want to lash out and say something he would regret later but it was close to it coming to that.

He didn't understand why his mom was so angry at all of this. He knew that if this were a girl, that she would be ecstatic and asking him all sorts of question. But because it was a boy, he suddenly didn't know himself and didn't have time for a relationship. Shouldn't a parent be accepting of their kid? No matter who they were interested in? His phone buzzed in his pocket and he pulled it out to see messages from a couple of people. He continued to ignore his mom as he opened them.

'Willie? Are you okay?' -felice

'Hey call me when you can. Or talk to me when you get back.' -august

'What did you mean by watch the tv? Are you going to do something??'- Simon

He answered Felice first.

'No not really...but I'll talk to you when I come back'

He didn't really feel like talking to August so he bypassed that and went straight to Simon.

'Yes. Just turn it on okay? I'll see you when I get back❤️'

"Wilhelm" his mother said sternly. He put his phone away and look up at her. "Yes, mom?" She rubbed her forehead a bit and took a deep breath. "If that's simon, stop texting him. You're only making this worse for yourself. Do you really want this to get out? You know what people would think. What would Erik think about this?"

That was the last straw for him. "Don't you dare use him against me. Erik would want me to be who I was. He wouldn't care who I love. He would want you to support me, not shut me down and make me hide who I am." His mom raised her eyebrows in surprise at his back talk. "Don't use that tone with me, wilhelm." That was all she said. She didn't bring up Simon again and just looked out the front window.

He sighed and got out his phone again to see yet another text from his boyfriend.  Could he call him that yet? They hasn't discussed it yet but it seemed like that was what it was.

'Okay? You're lucky I like you .'

'I'm very lucky.  Also, can I ask you something??'

'Yeah what's up?'

'Are we together? I know we both need to figure things out and I know I need to to not fuck things up with this interview thing but I really do like you.'

'I like you too. I would really like to be together. Do you want to talk about it more when you get back?'

'Yeah. That sounds like a good idea. I'll see you when I come back. :)'

'Okay cool. ☺️'

He smiled and bit his lip. The thought of being with Simon made his stomach flip. He put his phone away and rested his head against the window the rest of the car ride.

Young royals: Willie and SimonWhere stories live. Discover now