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Willie walked off to his next class, his heart racing and he swore he felt his face burning, it was probably all red. He had basically said the I love you without actually saying it but it was clear that was the way Simon took it. He had heard Simon call for him but he was too embarrassed to go back. He sat down at his desk and put his head down. He felt his phone buzzed and lifted his head as he pulled it out of his pocket. It was messages from Simon but he couldn't bring himself to respond. He knew it wasn't fair to him but he didn't truly know what to do.  He just turned his phone off and stared at the wall, spacing out.  He had never felt the way he did about someone than the way he did about simon. True, it was his first actual boyfriend but that was the thing. He had never been happy with girls. He thought he was but now that he thought about it,, those feelings were conditioned. He grew up in a place where things had to be perfect and "normal". but ever since he met simon and realized he liked boys, he had felt so much more himself and he was happy . 

He didn't want to lose simon. It just wasn't even something he wanted to think about but that's all he could think about. Simon Simon Simon. He knew he was most likely being dramtic and a conversation would fix all of it but it still didn't stop him from assuming the worst. Either way he had to make it right. He was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard his name.

"Willie? You okay?" Sara said and gave him a concerned look. He cleared his throat and pushed his hair back. "Yeah  I'm— actually no I'm not. I did something-well said something stupid to Simon and I don't know what to do." She scrunched her eyebrows. "What did you do? Was it mean?" He shook his head. "No! No not at all. I just basically brought up love. I didn't say the three words but I said 'you know you love me' " he sighed and bit his lip. She placed her chin on her hand. "Hmmm. Well what was his response? Did he say anything?" Willie shrugged, not out of not knowing, but out of confusion and frustration. "No. He just had a look of shock and so I just ran out. I heard him call for me but I just-i don't know."

Sara chuckled. "Sorry I don't mean to laugh. It's not funny. It's just-it sounds like my brother. Not saying something in a moment he probably should say something. Well look if there's anything I know about my brother it's that I know when he loves something. And the way he looks at you is pretty obvious to anyone who pays attention that he does feel more. I'm not gonna just assume his feelings but I know how he is. But just talk to him. That's the only way to know wilhelm. And he's gonna feel shitty if you don't talk to him." Willie nodded and brushed his fingers through his hair again. "Yeah you're right. I don't want him to feel bad about anything cause he didn't do anything. He's an amazing boyfriend." He smiled softly. Sara smiled and pushed his shoulder. "sooo, do you love my brother?" She raised her eyebrows. He just stared at her for a second and then nodded. "Yeah I really do..." She clapped her hands together. "Yes I knew it. Tell him how you feel. I have a very strong feeling he will reciprocate." He wrung his hands together. "You truly think so?" She nodded. "Yes. But tell him. Don't try to guess his feelings through me."

He nodded and smiled at her. "Thank you Sara. I really appreciate you talking to me about this. I'm sure it' s  a bit weird talking about your brothers love life." She shrugged. "Eh not really. I mean it can be if it gets to certain details but I don't mind the love talk. Simon's been through a lot with past partners if you can even call them that and I just want to see him happy so I don't mind. But if you ever hurt him, I will hunt you down." She pointed a finger at him. He raised his hands up in faux surrender. "I won't. I promise." She nodded her head once and made a gun with her fingers and blew. He chuckled and got out his work for his class, feeling a lot better than he did 10 minutes ago. Sara was right. He couldn't just run away from his feelings and he also needed to give Simon a chance to get his feelings out. They did live together now so no communication would lead to issues and that is not something he needed to add to his plate. 

Young royals: Willie and SimonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant