Making it official

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After putting his suit away and changing back into his pants and hoodie, he walked down the stairs casually and went into the dining room. He saw his parents and two other people he had never seen before sitting at the table talking. He pulled at the end of his hoodie and walked over to the end of the table. All eyes went on him and he cleared his throat and shifted on his feet uncomfortably.

"Wilhelm, these are your bodyguards. They will be coming back with you to school. They are to be with you at all times." Willie sighed, annoyance clear in the tone but nodded anyways. "Okay." He said and shoved his hands into his hoodie. "Thank you." She looked at his bodyguards and smiled. She shook their hands and they all stood up.

"Alright are you ready to go, wilhelm?" His mother said, looking at his outfit but not saying anything. "Yeah I have everything I need." She nodded and asked the guards to give them a moment. They both nodded and left the room, leaving him alone with his parents. His mom sighed sadly. "I don't ever want you to think we don't love you, wilhelm. We do so much. But what you did was unacceptable. If you think what people are saying online now are bad. It doesn't compare to what people will say from now on." Willie looked away and shook his head.

"Look at me." She grabbed his face gently and forced him to look at her. "You need to understand that some people don't accept this kind of stuff. You need to prepare for what people will say or do to you and Simon. I know you told them to back off Simon but that won't do any good. Both of you will have negative things to face so be careful. Okay?" She released his face when he nodded. "I will. I'm sorry mom but I couldn't lie. And I know you're confused but I like him a lot. I can't control who I am." He looked down.

"We'll deal with everything okay willie? You just need to focus on your education. You'll have protection so don't worry about that." He couldn't help but think about the fact that Simon didn't have any protection besides himself. But what could he do? The last thing he needed is for the world to know the crown prince got into a fight over his lover. He nodded and hugged her. She sighed and hugged him back holding him a bit longer than he wanted to be held. They eventually let go of each other and he looked at his dad who embraced him just as his mom did.

"I love you son. Be careful and stay out of trouble." He pat his back and let go. "I will. Love you guys." They all said their goodbyes one last time before Willie walked out of his home and to the car. He got into the car with his bodyguards and they began their drive back to the school. He knew there would be a lot of shit he had to deal with but a part of him didn't care as long as he had Simon.

Eventually they pulled up to the school where the headmaster was waiting. He unbuckled as soon as the car was Parker and he stepped out, walking over to her. "Prince wilhelm,I am so very sorry about all of this. I had no idea until I heard from the students about your statement. I can assure you I will make you as comfortable and safe as I can." Willie closed mouth smiled. "Thank you. I really appreciate it."

"Of course. If you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask." She smiled at him and acknowledged the guards and then walked back into the building. "Am I allowed to go visit somebody if you come with me?" He asked the female guard who stood straight, arms crossed besides him. "Yes sir. You're allowed to do anything as long as we are always near."  He nodded and looked at her. "Will you drive me to Simon's house? I can give you directions."

She nodded once and got back into the car. He got in as well and gave her directions to his house. He pulled out his phone as they were driving and texted him.

'Hey I'm back. I'm on my way over. Is that okay?'

'Yes. Let me know when you're here.'

Willie smiled and looked out the window. When he saw Simon's house come into view, he texted him again.

Young royals: Willie and SimonWhere stories live. Discover now