Sweat layered my body, that distant memory more overwhelming than the last. I wasn't supposed to dream this intensely. Ever since Three-Four left, it has gotten worse; gripping my temples, I let out a heavy sigh. The only thing I couldn't place was the man that lingered there; He was quite handsome, which caused my face to become hot from the thought of his dark features. Why did I have a strange sense of familiarity? No matter, I had no messages, so I assumed I was free to do as I pleased. I hold the title of a Captain now, and I could practically set my schedule if I deemed; my possibilities seemed endless, or so I thought until my stomach ached from hunger.

It had been almost a full day since I last consumed anything besides that small ration bar from the night before, so the rumbling was excusable. I rose from my bed, walked over to the small lavatory at the left corner of the room. I splashed cold water on my face to rinse away the thoughts that haunted me.

"All of that is in the past... let it die there," I told myself, looking into my reflection. My face was still red from the thought of that mystery man.

Letting out one last groan to regain my composure, I went to reassemble my armor, putting it back on piece by piece. Venturing to the mess hall was an easy ordeal than I anticipated; it had seemed that the appeal of my status has already lost its luster with everyone keeping out of my ways, with light acknowledgment with mild gestures. This treatment was much more to my liking, as much as I pride myself on my advancement. I didn't need others groveling at me just because of my position.

The hustle and bustle of the area was a bit of a relief; sleeping alone made me partly miss the anarchy of the barracks dealt with. Standing in line for my portion, I could hear the chatter of two members of my squad. 108 and Nine-One stood a few people behind me, giving a semi-serious salute to avoid being scolded for disrespecting their superior. All of us convening at a table that was empty once we all gained our meals.

"Hey, Captain!" 108 eagerly greeted me, setting down her tray

"Good Morning, Captain." Nine-one gave me a polite nod, removing his helmet to dig into his food impatiently.

"Morning," I said sluggishly, setting down my helmet in the seat beside me, taking my first bite of nourishment for the day.

"Did you happen to sleep well all alone?" Nine-one pointed his fork at me, with a heavy emphasis on the word 'alone,'

"You referring to me getting my own room?" I smiled coyly, glancing up from my tray,

"What else would I be referring to?" his serious face, still staring at me

"If I didn't know any better, I would think you were jealous, Nine-one?" I smirked arrogantly, stuffing a large amount of food into my mouth.

His face broke his overly grim façade as he let out a hearty laugh—lowly his fork into the grub.

"Jealousy is for the likes of One-Eighty and his ilk." But then, he scoffed, "I, for one, am just curious what sleeping in one's own unit must be like."

"What are you talking about? You were lost on the plant Jakku for a week once. " I teased,

"You know that is not the same, and please don't remind me. I had sand in my boots for months after that."

"He's just doesn't want to say that it isn't the same without you." 308, chuckled at our banter, twirling her utensil."I miss you already not being in the barracks with us; it was already weird not having Three..." 308 trailed off, trying not to bring up our missing companion.

When she saw Nine-one shaking his head, non-verbally telling her to cut the topic short, I appreciate them not trying to upset me, but it has still been in the forefront of my mind. With most of my meal finished, I heard hurried shuffles of individuals raising from their seats. I peered through the sea of heads, catching a glimpse of that doom bringing ebony armor. That was quickly approaching our location.

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