Don't do this!"

"I can't go back; I won't go back!"

"Don't make me hurt you!"

"I'm sorry, VE-65. I have no other choice."

The turrets ripped through the ship, causing fire too spread rapidly to the cockpit, I made evasive maneuvers to get closers to the planet's surface; attempting to use the old ships that littered the sands as coverages but to no avail. Another explosion crumbled the ship, flinging me from my seat, smacking me into a metal pillar, and then to the ground. My ears were ringing as dirt filled my mouth, flooding my taste buds with that of fresh grovel and iron from the blood. I weakly picked myself up, my arms bearly even able to hold my weight. The thunderous sound of marching feet surrounded me, that blinding white armor hovered over me. Before my vision failed, the sea of white legs parted granting access for their leader to pass, halting right in front of me—their chrome armor glinting in the setting suns of this planet.

"What are you imbeciles waiting for, bring a Med unit!" the muffled voice called out before the back of my eyelids were the only thing visible.

The blinding light shining in my sockets caused me to gain consciousness fully; the flexpoly bacta suit clung to my body, distributing the healing agents. To seal the many wounds that covered my body, and force was I sore, slowing reaching for my numb face to feel the patches of more bacta on my left cheek and forehead. The medical bay doors slide open, causing me to jump to attention when I noticed who it was, Captain Phasma! I struggled to attempt to rise to my feet to salute my commanding officer, only for her to dismiss my actions with me, at the very least swinging my legs over the side of the med unit to give her my full attention.

"At ease, VE-65." She ordered, stepping fully into the room

"I know that failure isn't acceptable, but forgive me, Captain; VE-34 escaped me." I huffed, through the pain of my ribs inflating from my lungs taking in air.

"I am willing to forgive such transgressions; however, General Hux does not share the same thoughts about this matter, as I. What were you thinking, taking one of the TIE aggressors unauthorized?" Phasma questioned, swaying as she slung her cape behind her back.

"I..." I paused; why did I do it?

I was trained to feel no emotion most of my life, and I am a soldier, a good one at that. I never hesitated on any of my missions, and I do as I'm told executing, tracking, to even assassinations. So why did I personally go after VE-34? Why did I get so enraged by her leaving? Captain Phasma's sigh was loud; you could hear the disappointment that it was laced in.

"You better think of something quick, the Supreme Leader and General Hux wants a briefing on what happened."

"The Supreme Leader?" my eyes widen from the thought of being in the same room.

"Yes, now get suited up."

"Yes, Ma'am." I saluted her, watching her walk out of the room, leaving me alone.

Getting dressed was agonizing; I didn't rest long enough for the suit to take full effect. My armor was damaged from the crash; it was barely salvageable. I had no choice but to wear my cracked helmet, and the black tore clothes that were removed from me. Anything was better than my undergarments; honestly, the knock snapped me back into my obedient thoughts. I followed my Captain, silently through the maze-like corridors, even passing the room where the prisoner escaped from, causing my blood to boil, bringing up that anger again.

The door leading into the chamber of the Supreme Leader was giant, with two guards standing in a position overseeing everyone that dare enters their master's lair. Captain Phasma stopped at the door to glance back at me. I could feel her sharp gaze through my severely cracked visor, although she didn't say a word to me as she gestured me in, I could almost feel that strained, awkward bond we share, was that that hint of regret? I know that it wasn't as though we were friends. I am nothing but a loyal toy, but in her own way, at that moment, its as though she respected our relationship as Captain and subordinate.

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