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My eye still won't open; it was as though something prevented them from doing so. My head throbbed once more as I felt something caress my face, taking hold of both of my cheeks. It felt like fingers delicately traced my jawline down to my neck. The grasp was firm yet soft enough not to cause any pain or discomfort. I felt warmth tickle my forehead, slightly brushing my curls away.

"I want to see more; what are you hiding in here." the deep voice asked, creating goosebumps down my spine from the vibration of their vocals.

Like someone pressing play on a hologram, I was back holding on to the dusty curtain I called a door. My small hand trembled as sweat coated the piece I held tight. I kept mumbling to myself. Please don't be home... please don't be home... please don't be... I drew open the door tip-toeing in to make my being as small as possible. I glanced around the space; thank goodness she was gone. I leaped over to my pallet, gathering everything that I thought would be useful. It wasn't much; lucky for me, I could travel light. Now the hard part, I turned my attention to my mother's belongings.

It was an ample trunk where she kept her old life hidden away. I only sought items I didn't believe would be missed, a cloak for heat and coverage, boots though way too big, would protect the frail souls of my feet. And a blaster, I wasn't too familiar with handling such things, but I knew the dangers that lurked out there in those humid woods. While digging, a glimmer caught my eye. A red insignia, almost like wings spreading up to the heavens. What could this be? Why would she harbor something like this? Mother was weak, mean, and more importantly, a drunk; why keep something that seemed so hopeful? Perhaps it was reminded her of some pride that she must have possessed in a former life, but then why hide it away? Something swiftly dug into my shoulder, ripping my shirt while throwing me across the room.

"You little bastard..." my mother ridiculed, perched across me like the stories of crazed Nexu in the wild, ready to pounce their prey.

"Mama, I-" I whimpered, taking hold of my shoulder that began to bleed. Thankful she didn't fling my bag from my hands.

"You think you can steal from me?" she stubbled closer; she had a slight stagger from the alcohol; she was fighting to keep standing. "You ungrateful little bastard, is this how you treat me for taking care of you all these years?" her crazed looked enhanced by the moon's light reflecting off of her yellow eyes.

"I-I wasn't stealing...honest!" I lied, but it wasn't as though she was using any of these objects.

"What do you even need all of that shit for? Are you trying to leave me, huh? You are just like your father, a coward!"

I quickly looked for an opening, with her being so off balance I could swiftly get past her, or I at least hoped. I mentioned her being weak, but it was as though her strength boosted her spirits when she was under the influence. I bit my lip and prepared for the worst as I made for the opening; she lounged at me, struggling to take hold of the bag that dangles from me, only missing by a fraction. My tiny legs took down one of the shady alleyways, zig-zagging past the residents that were out at this hour. I could hear her clumsily chasing me, raving as she bumped into walls and people alike. I darted to the nook where my friend resided.

"Hey, got all your stu-" she stopped what she was attempting to say, seeing me barreling in with my mother hot on my heels.

"We gotta go!" I took hold of her hand, not wanting to face the wrath of the brute that followed behind.

We made it to the gate, and though my lungs hurt from running. This realization of freedom numbed such a sensation as trivial as fatigue. I heard a large thud, and my mother had face-planted into the soil. The dirt that coated her face made her look even more animalistic. I felt a tug in my chest; was it pity? Did I pity her, or was it the disappointment that riddled me seeing her wallow in such a manner? Ka'ai took the lead, switching with me to pull me along when I started to fall behind.

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