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I could make out multiple figures when my eye could concentrate, but the main two that loomed over me were who I wanted to center upon. The cold tile of the floor made me notice I wasn't wearing my armor anymore, but that of a medical gown. What the fuck happened? Attempting to stand was difficult, for vertigo caused the room the spin, making standing in one place a challenge, each stance ending back to the floor.

"Settle, captain." I was ordered, a massive ghastly hand gripped my face. Jerking me in their direction to gain a bit of focus,

"S-Supreme leader?" I said though it was slurred, "Wh-where...?"

"You are in my chambers. Do you know what you did to cause this occurrence?"

"I was...shooting and then...." I couldn't even place what had happed, everything being a blank. I wasn't even sure that this was real.

"I will tell you; you caused a great disturbance in the force." His crooked face split with a smirk as he released my face.

"The 'force'? Sir, I don't understand." I took hold of my head, for it pained me once again, "Please, what's going on?" I groaned, my eyes giving out again.

"It was rather powerful, indeed. So powerful we had to... test your potential; the midi-chlorian count in your blood was rather high ." He stood over me, cackling, "I knew I sensed many things in you, but this captain was quite the unexpected discovery. However, I know this must have taken a great toll on you." He waved to the other figure, who was swiftly upon me—that handsome man who viewed my mind in familiar doting black clothes.

"I will let you rest for now, although tomorrow... I will have so much to show you." Snoke leered with an evil undertone that made my skin crawl—waving for us to leave his sight.

The stranger roughly helped me to my feet, grabbing me by my upper arm, pulling me close to his being, and picking me as if I weighed nothing, coddling me to his chest. I felt so violated; all of my inner thoughts were invaded by this interloper. The supreme leader created more questions for this already puzzling couple of weeks. I didn't understand any of this, and I was too exhausted even to be bothered.

He maneuvered me through the halls; I would have been more embarrassed if most of the troopers hadn't returned to the barracks to rest. I didn't mean to get so comfortable in his arms, but I couldn't resist; his shoulders were broad, and being held against his bosom, I could feel his hardened pecks and feel the pounding of his heart. While his scent tickled my nostrils, driving blood through my cheeks. It was at that moment, something clicked. That black attire, the weapon the hung from his hip: commander Kylo ren? I take it back; I am now embarrassed.

"I can walk, sir." I mustered out, coming to my senses, making him halt in the middle of the walkway to put me down.

He watched as I pressed my body to the wall, using it as a crutch inching forward as I awkwardly stumbled along. I could hear him issuing annoyed sighs as he kept a slow pace behind me. I could feel his unamused glare on my back as he examined me, scuttling railing to railing.

"The supreme leader asked me to take you to your quarters; just let me do it." He said, his tone already coming of aggravated,

"I...Can...Do...It... Sir...." I huffed, using what bit of energy to push forward

"Are you defying me now?" Kylo ren grabbed me using his ability, lightly shoving me into the wall.

Without my armor and helmet, I felt so exposed the gown didn't help either it being so short; it partly raised as I was slid up the wall. While he leaned into me as an intimidation tactic, his warm breath grazed my cheeks as he stared into my eyes. Though it wasn't resentment, it was more of a bizarre look, as if he couldn't place me. If I were in my right state of mind, I would have been more afraid, but I was too distracted by the treachery of my flimsy garment and how deep the pools of his orbs were.

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