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I awoke to the sound of beeping, with my head not hurting as much as it did the day prior. I pressed a button to silence the noise and rested my arm on my face wanting to gain a couple more minutes; when the noise resumed, I reluctantly rose. I could see my curly hair stuck to the side of my face in my com monitor, and it was a message from General Hux. Pertaining to a mission update, we were required to meet in one of the conference rooms to discuss the details.

Getting ready, I was reminded about what I did last night, rubbing my forehead in preparation for my possible punishment for those actions. This is completely unlike me; why have I suddenly been acting out on something as immature as 'feeling'? Cursing myself for not showing better restraint. I clicked my helmet in place, let out one final groan, and was out the door. I was greeted by a trooper, which slightly jumped when my door slide open.

"G-good morning, Ma'am!" he shouted, standing at attention and saluting me, "I am here to escort you to the conference room!"

"Good morning," I said, elevating a curious brow to the trooper that I partly stood over. "All alright then, lead the way."

"Yes, Ma'am!"

He took the lead, all be it nervously. Hugging his weapon to his chest as I walked behind him—Passers-by nobbing their heads or saluting to me as we passed. The trooper slowed his pace to walk by my side, still gripping his weapon.

"I was hoping I would be able to thank you for the other day." He timidly said, turning his helm head to me,

"Oh, you're that cadet." I kept my head forward, "Don't worry about it." I continued my stride,

"Yep, I'm HH551, Ma'am. And how can I not think about it?" his tone jumped in scale, "If you wouldn't have done what you did, I might not be here!"

"Well, as I said, don't worry about it, kid." I brushed the young man off, seeing my escape drawing near. "I was just dealing with a rebel...."

"But I just have to.... " he stiffened, staring at the entrance of the room and catching a glimpse of our commander. "Did you hear about what he did?"

I didn't answer him, gazing off into the same direction. My throat was dry thinking about encountering Kylo Ren's wrath as soon as I walked through that door. He's going to kill me, I thought to myself, saying goodbye to my promotion, new room, and, more importantly, my life.

"He destroyed some computers in a fit of rage last night. And choked out two guards." He shuddered, turning to me. Snapping me back out of my thoughts

"Do you know what set him off?" I glopped, knowing that I was the catalyst for such deeds,

"Not sure, Captain, but you know it doesn't take much to set him off." He lightly chuckled, stepping out of my way. "Well, I don't want to keep you; thank you again, Ma'am." He nodded, taking his leave.

"Right..." I returned the nod, facing the doorway leading to my possible doom. I straighten, willing to face the outcome.

To my surprise, Kylo Ren stood calmly at the other end of the large table that divided us all up. However, I could see his head turn relatively in my direction when I entered to take my seat. I could practically feel his eyes on me when I was completely in one of the chairs, the calmness making me more unnerved, plotting my possible downfall. General Hux stood next to the commander, his piercing eyes examining everyone that arrived—placing his arms behind his back, ready to begin.

"Thank you all for coming." he paused, getting a hologram of a map ready. "We have managed to find the contact the prisoner mentioned. In the city's main hub, This is Darro Melne, a known smuggler that operates on Batuu." His uptight tone stretched out through the room.

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