Part 1- The Dream

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I woke up when I heard yelling.

“.....what did you do!” something… someone? yelled.

“I only tripped. I swear!” someone else yelled back, sounding higher pitched than the first, and fear could be heard in its voice.

“I wanted to take a look at that meteor without anyone else looking at it, but you had to go and crack it!” A third voice came at a yell.

This must be Earth and the yelling creatures must be the humans of Earth. 

How many humans were outside of my protection? So far I hear 3, are there more of them out there? 

“I’ll get rid of you kid!” Said the same voice who was mad about my protection.

I can sense the fear coming off the human who was the target of the others rage, I should help him! I can’t really feel my legs but I have to try to help him or he will not go home ever, I reluctantly stand. I can see very little of the outside world I have crashed upon. 

“Wait, my protection has been cracked?” I say loud enough for the barrier between me and the outside world to start to crumble away, hitting my back and my head.

Dust engulfed everything around me, making my white fur gray. Through the dust I could hear the coughing from the frightened human. I remember the other humans were angry about him cracking my protection, I walked toward him, following the sound of his coughing. It leads to a small human, a male child perhaps?

“How did you crack the rock, boy?” I asked, practically yelling at him. Looking back at what used to be my protection, I'm curious to whether this boy did in fact crack it or was it cracked by the impact of hitting the ground?

“I tripped and leaned back against it… then it cracked.” Said the boy who still seemed in shock. Maybe the impact had already damaged my protection enough to where the small human cracked it upon touch? 

“What is your name, my boy?” I asked, trying to sound at least a little kinder than before, hopefully relaxing him a little bit.

“Damien… Smith.” He said. I could tell he’s trying to sound more confident in his words but it seems to be failing him. “What is your name?... if I may ask.”

“Anemone.” I said shocked. He actually asked my name? Last time I saw people they were in my memories and they seemed scared and didn’t speak to me whatsoever… Damien is... interesting. “How old are you Damien?” I asked, tilting my head.

“17.” Damien said. It makes sense now why he isn’t scared of me… though he should have been.

“Ok, Damien… I have made up my mind. May I come with you?” I want to stay with this boy. He’s very... interesting.

“Ok… though I don’t know where I am going.” he said. The next minute Damien was no longer looking at me but behind me… why? What was he looking at now?

I turned around, a human with a bow was taking aim. When did he get there? Why didn’t I notice him there before? Was I really that distracted with Damien? The arrow came flying at us…. No I'm wrong it was heading towards... Damien! Without thinking I took a protective stance infront of Damien. The arrow didn’t come any closer than 3 feet from my side. There was a wall of Ice in the arrow’s path… that's when I remembered a secret I had been told when I was a pup. I had the power over water. I turned around and walked towards Damien and laid down. 

“Get on my back Damien, let’s leave.” I said, hoping he hasn’t changed his mind about letting me join him.

He got up, looked past me and saw the wall of ice I had made to protect us. “Ready.” He said, and walked to me and got on my back

I woke up staring at Jason, he was asleep, his arm laying on my side. I'm under his blankets, something is pressed up against my back… I turned to see what it was, but stopped when a searing pain ran through my leg when I moved. Oh right, it broke… today? Or was it yesterday? Out of the corner of my eye I saw the thing against my back was a pillow.

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