Part 2- The Woods

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There was a town called Zenith, a tall, thin doctor with brown hair and blue eyes in his early 30's lived with his 13 year old son, at the edge of the town. The man walked down the hallways to his son's room, every time he went into his son's room the boy asked the same question and always got the same answer.

"It's lights out my boy." he said to the boy with hazel colored eyes and brown hair, in dark green pajamas.

"Father..." I said "can you tell me the legend again?"

"Ok, first get ready for bed."

"Ok!" I shouted, happy with the same response I always get.

The room was dark, I lie in bed. I look at the clock, it's been 20 minutes since my father had left the room. I got out of bed and walked over to the window, thinking about the legend, wanting to know why people thought it wouldn't come true. Father always said a star had fallen from the sky near their town 17 years ago, but even then the legend didn't come true... maybe... just maybe that was the reason why people thought it would never happen. I looked back at the clock near my bed, 10 minutes had passed. I went back to bed and tried to sleep, still trying to figure out the meaning of the legend. I felt like sleep would never take me. I blinked looking at the clock, it was 23 minutes past 10. I got up and walked over to my window again, and stood there counting the stars, There were 27 stars, but 6 were moving... are they planes? I thought about it for 10 minutes. No they can't be planes, planes have flashing lights... these had no flashing lights whatsoever. Whatever they were one is getting way too close for comfort. I was scared and shocked when I realized it was a star!... or a meteor, my heart was set on a star, all that mattered was that it just fell into the woods roughly 30 miles east.

This is it! This has to be it. Was the legend talking about tonight? I need to check out that star. "When a star falls, near a small town, on a night of little. A journey will begin. New friendships will grow no matter how hard it may be, keep walking till the end." I repeated the legend aloud.

I turned around and walked over to my closet put on green clothes and went to the door, opening it as quietly as I could and closing it again. I walked down the stairs careful not to make them creak. When I got to the bottom of the stairs I put on my shoes and opened the front door and left. I went back inside when I realized I didn't bring anything to eat for the trip. When I was done I said a silent goodbye to my home and my father from the doorway. I set forth to go find that star.

When I reached the woods where I saw the star fall, I ventured inside hoping to find something cool. I didn't know how long I have been in the woods but I had been walking for some time now... I thought I should be close to the star by now. Then I saw something, a clearing through the trees. When I got to the clearing, I realized it wasn't a clearing at all, when I looked to my left I saw the star... but hope started to disappear, it was a meteor after all. I still wanted to take a closer look at it. I looked to my right and saw a camp, someone had beaten me to the messed up patch of trees. But no one was there at the moment, I ran to the meteor, and walked all the way around it. It wasn't very big, actually it was a little more than half my height, but the length was probably that of a horse.

"Hey kid, what'd ya doing out in the woods all alone?" a scratchy voice came from behind and from the sound of it, a man. I looked behind me at the camp for a while staring. "What are you staring at kid?" came the voice again. I realized it was a tall slender man with brown hair that has started going white, probably from the stress of hunting, and green eyes,wearing a dark green shirt and brown pants. He is leaning up against a tree trunk that had been knocked down by the meteor.

"I'm looking at this rock." Trying to make it seem the meteor had no significant meaning to me." And I was looking at you, sir."

"Manners? What is a kid with manners doing out in the middle of the woods?" said the man with a shaky laugh.

"I'm on a mission, and I just happened to come along this interesting rock in the middle of a torn up clearing." I said, trying to make up a lie on the go, this wasn't my specialty. Though some of it is true, I am on a mission.

"Ya better step away from that meteor, my buddies will be back soon with dinner." said as he moved closer to start a fire." We found it first and they want to look at it before anyone else does."

Through the trees two people, in camo gear, walked out dragging deer behind them, one has a hunting bow and the other has a hunting rifle.They dragged the deer to their friend next to the newly made fire and told him to start preparing it for dinner. Did they not notice me? I wondered. Then they turned and looked at me, with gun in hand and bow drawn ready to shoot me. I started to walk backwards hoping I can get away, but I only ended up tripping and leaned back against the meteor. The rock was warm against my back, I heard a cracking noise of something breaking behind me. The meteor cracked... it was dark on the inside, from what I could tell.

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