Part 9- Whats School?

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"Here we go.” he set me down next to the rabbits.

“Is this where you went when you left me in your room?” I asked between bites. I love rabbits.

“Yes I thought you would be hungry after a long sleep, then an attack from rats, and then more sleep.” he looked at me and then at the lone rabbit that remained in front of me. “I guess I was right.” he smiled and I went back to finishing the meal he had gotten for me.

“Thank you for the meal.” I said after I finished eating. He got up and walked farther out into the woods, so I tried to follow.”Where did you learn to hunt?” I am curious if he would answer.

“From my old school…and I’m going to learn a lot more from my new school this year, to be honest it’s going to start soon and I don’t really want to go, but my dad insists that I go while I can to gain the experience of taking care of myself while I face the forces of nature.” he said aloud to himself, still walking. “It’s not very fun, but it’s where I’m gonna learn more about hunting and surviving in the wild.” The last statement seemed like it was directed to me to where the one before seemed more of a personal statement.

“What’s school?” It’s the first time I’ve heard of this learning place...

“’s a place you go to learn things you will need when you get older.” he said, stopping to look at the sky.

I looked up as well… 3 birds were flying high above the sky. A squirrel ran out in front of me I got ready to give chase, but I can’t because of my leg. Instead I summoned a little gust of wind and smacked the squirrel in the side making it run up the nearest tree. It must have felt shocked and scared. I looked back at Jason and he was looking at me with a smile on his face.

“What?” I said. Curious if I did something wrong.

“Nothing, just the squirrel ran away for no reason and I felt the wind move.” he said tilted his head to where the squirrel was located before it ran up the tree.

“Oh… um...” I looked at him worried. He started to laugh, then I remembered he already knew I had control over water, but I never told him I had control over air as well. He doesn’t seem to care what I do… he only cares for my well being. Upon realizing this I became really happy.k

“It’s ok Frost, I know you are the master of water… So I figured you had to have control over a wide range of powers like earth, fire, fog, water, lightning, air, mud, or possibly others.” he was looking at the sky again and not at me. I limped over to him and sat down as best as I could.

“Water and Wind. Nothing else that I know of. But one thing I know is that when I’m older I might get control over lighting… if I’m lucky… that’s a total guess though to be honest.” I shifted to get comfortable only to be picked up. I decided to go with it this time.

“I have to go to school in about 2 weeks.” School? “ I’m allowed to bring something to help me during the time I’m there.” he sounded lonely, like he didn’t want to go to that place.

“What’s a school?” I feel embarrassed for asking the same question.

“As I said before school is a place you need to go to learn things you don’t know that will help you later on in life. My school in particular is different, it’s in fact a survival school.” he must've known that I wouldn’t understand what he just said. “A survival school is a certain school that teaches you survival skills for living in the wild. Personally I don’t like this school, 80 students go in, only 3 out of every 4 kids pass the first week, only half of that pass the second week, and half of that pass the third week. Then only 5 pass school overall. This will be my first year in this school since I’m old enough to go now, the age range is from 13 all the way to 17.” We reached the house when he finished and he put me down so I can walk.

This is how the days went by, wake up, taken outside, fed, allowed to run/limp around the yard, brought back inside and sleep. This was the cycle of my life for 15 days, sometimes he threw something and I was tempted to go after it… he said I was supposed to chase it and bring it back. It’s a game called Fetch. I couldn't help myself, I ended up chasing the sticks… but I never brought them back to him. I have my own collection that will make a tree feel shame

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