Nathan Burns His Mouth Due To The Hot Lasagna

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Ken: Lasagna is ready, folks!

Nathan: About time!

Alan: Careful, it's hot!

Nathan: I don't care, I'm hungry! *eats the hot lasagna and burns his mouth* AHHHHH!!!!!

Matilda: *mocking* Too hot?

Nathan: Yes!! *fanning his mouth*

Ken: I just took it out of the oven, stupid! Blow on it!

Nathan: Okay! *blows on his lasagna and eats another bite, only to burn his mouth again* YOW!!!!! IT DIDN'T WORK! IT'S STILL HOT!!! *fanning his mouth again*

Me: Wait for it to cool off, stupid!

SkittishReflections: Exactly! What an idiot!

Nathan: *blows on his lasagna again, eats another bite, and the same process repeats* YOW!!!! OKAY, LASAGNA! YOU'RE GETTING A TIME OUT! GO SIT IN THE CORNER!! YOU DON'T EVER BURN MY MOUTH!

Trevor: Okay, I had enough of this! *beats Nathan up*

Nathan: *getting beat up*

Richard: How can someone give lasagna a time out? He's so stupid.

This story was written on Sunday, July 25th, 2021.

A/N Nathan, just wait for the lasagna to cool off, and you won't keep burning your mouth! 🙄 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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