It Begins

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The truck cruised down the highway, taking its sweet time. Eventually, they pulled into Philadelphia for a quick break, after about 5 hours of driving.
"I'm so freaking glad I'm finally out of that place. And my uncle isn't following us either, so we've got the best luck ever."
"Yeah, well don't jinx us. We've got a few days to make a trip that should take days."
"Well it'll be worth it I think."
After the break, Amanda got hungry and leaned back to grab the sandwiches for a bite to eat. There was the classic peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a grilled apple and cheese sandwich, a turkey and Swiss cheese sandwich, and a veggie pita. She stared at the options for a bit and then grabbed a PB&J for Matt and a grilled apple and cheese sandwich for her.
"Here's your sandwich."
"Thanks. We're almost out of Pennsylvania. We just need to drive to Richmond before we stop for the night."
"Wait, could we go see some sights in Richmond?"
"There's not much to see, especially at night.."
"Oh fine then."
Amanda turned to the window and ate her sandwich, and tried thinking of where she wanted to make sure they went. After all, what's a cross-country trip without some sight seeing?


The limo sped down the highway, desperately trying to make up for lost time. He didn't have any food and knew that he would be slowed down by that, since the cameras in the kitchen had shown Amanda grabbing food. After looking down at his phone to try to figure out where Amanda was, he called her parents again.
"Are you positive the GPS tracker is still on her record player?"
"Yes. We replaced the needle with a needle that would never wear out, and has a GPS chip on the inside."
"I hope this works."
He pulled back onto I-95 and sped up to 100 MPH.

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