World Ender

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The plane touched down on the wet runway, having just emerged from the mass of clouds. A rainstorm was making its way through Washington, but was expected to be gone before the day ended. The sleep dazed couple stumbled out of the plane with their bags in hand, and loaded it into a waiting truck. After making sure everything was there, they turned around and waved at the cockpit before driving away.
Most of the shops by this point were closed, so they ate some of the leftover food from the plane as their lunch. After walking around the deserted downtown area, Matt turned to Amanda.
"Hey, we should probably start heading out to my final destination location if we want to make it there in time for the meteor shower and end of the world."
"Okay, but could we at least stop by the outside of the Space Needle? I've always wanted to see it, but my parents thought the Northwest Pacific area was too 'dangerous' to visit."
"Why was it dangerous?"
"They're terrified of hipsters."
They laughed and continued to walk through the streets before they reached the truck. Matt drove to right below the Space Needle and stopped. Amanda got out of the truck and took out her Polaroid for a quick photoshoot.
"I still don't get why I'm doing this even though there won't be a tomorrow to look at these."
"Maybe it's your coping mechanism: doing the same old things. That's what I'm doing."
"Yeah, who even knows."
Amanda grabbed Matt and they took some more pictures together and then they drove off.
After a few hours of driving past cliffs and forests and water, they eventually stopped.
"We're almost there, so I request you put this blindfold on."
Amanda put on the blindfold and relaxed, listening to Lord Huron. Matt pulled into Olympia National Park, and after driving a few minutes in stopped.
"Stay put."
He had parked the car in such a way to where the truck was facing near the edge of a cliff, and the truck was surrounded by trees. After looking through some of the bags, he found a large quilt that he laid down in the back and set up the record player on a stump by the tire. Once he was sure everything was comfortable, he led Amanda out and took off her blind.
"This is... beautiful. I can't believe you did this for me."
"I'd do anything for you Amanda. I love you."
"I love you too."
She leaned in until their faces were centimeters apart and she stared up at his face. Then he leaned in and they kissed. Just as their lips touched, the first of the comets began to start falling. They finished their kiss and then turned to look up at the sky.
"Well, here we go."
They climbed into the back of the trunk and Amanda cured up into Matt. The comets started to fall faster and faster, some landing in the ocean miles away. The waves got higher and higher below them, and there were occasional sounds of cracking and thuds. The record player sounded like a soundtrack to the whole thing, and it just kept on playing World Ender and being oblivious to the world around it.
Suddenly, from behind them, there was a crack, but not loud enough to be a comet. Amanda jumped and turned around to see Edward walking out of the trees.
"I do have to say, for such a stupid girl, you are quite hard to find."
"I-I-I thought you were dead..."
"Well you thought wrong."
"Why are you still here if it's too late to get to the bunker?"
"Your parents either wanted you there or gone, and I was told to make sure you were going to be gone. We can't have you somehow surviving all of this, now can we?"
Amanda's eyes widened as he took the knife she stabbed him with.
"I wonder how much damage I can do with this, considering I'm more trained at knives than you are... Care to find out?"

AUTHOR NOTE: Ok so my computer was being weird.. This was supposed to be the last chapter but it deleted the last half and I'm really annoyed. Sorry about that! Final chapter coming soon. :)

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