Flying High

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The jet's wheels began to lift off the ground slowly, and then the craft was airborne. After they hit 30,000 feet within a matter of minutes, a bell noise rang through the cabin.
"Hey guys. We're at cruising altitude so you can move around the cabin now. There's snacks and drinks in the cart in the front, and the bathroom is in the back. I'm going to be playing some music too, so if you want to request something just select a song on the touch screen by your seats. We'll be there in about 3 hours if all goes well."
Amanda unbuckled her seatbelt and stretched. She walked over to the cart and grabbed a bag of dried fruits and then plopped onto the seat.
"I love how much room there is in here."
"Apparently it's reserved for like celebrities."
"Well it's amazing. Too bad we'll probably be sleeping most of the way."
"Yeah. I didn't expect it to take so long to get the jet if it was reserved."
"Stupid Europeans..."
"So... Do you want to sleep now or watch a movie? Sam said he has The Labyrinth loaded onto the video system."
"Sleep. I want to be able to spend as much as I can on our last day today with you. Just not right now since its like 3 AM."
"Ok. Then I'll get some sleep too."
Matt hit a button and the lights dimmed, and then he got back into his seat. After reclining it, he buckled back up again and put a blanket on. Amanda did the same, and they fell asleep within minutes.


Edward walked out of the hospital and pulled out his now scratched phone.
"They finally finished stitching me up. I've tracked her into an airport, where I'm presuming they got a plane. Do I still follow and try to retrieve? ... I understand. Goodbye brother."
Edward climbed into his waiting car that the workers had brought over and drove to the nearest airport. A jet was waiting for him, as his brother had arranged one for him as soon as he had checked into the hospital. It took off within minutes, and soon he was on the trail again.

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