The Original Artsy

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The truck pulled into the parking lot outside of a dark building in Richmond. Amanda climbed out and stretched her arms into the air and then bent down to touch her toes, but couldn't reach.
"Well that's unfortunate."
She stood back up and looked around the nighttime air. Most of the lights were off, as people were staying at home with their family, awaiting their deaths the most sensible way to them.
"Where are we?"
Matt finally came out of the truck and hugged Amanda from behind.
"The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. I've got a cousin who works here and he said its pretty much shut down now. He left us the code to get in."
"Are you serious? That's amazing! I've always wanted wanted to here to see the Faberge Easter Eggs, but my Mom said that this was the one museum that hates our family. How did you know I wanted to go here?"
"I just payed attention. And that's all you could talk about in Art last year."
He took her hand and they went inside. There were so many beautiful pieces of artwork they saw there, like the Japanese paintings hanging from the ceiling. Eventually they made their way out to the café and looked at Chihuly's Red Reeds.
"It's such a different experience to see it all at night and when no one else is here, you know? It seems so much more... Artsier, I guess."
Matt turned to look at Amanda
"I'm just glad you liked it."
She turned to look at him and they stared at each other for a bit. Then, he started to lean in and kissed her. Amanda kissed back and they would've gone on for a long time if a car door slam didn't echo through the air outside. They jumped back and Matt stepped in front of Amanda protectively as she slumped down, trying to get her hair to cover her face..
Edward had finally caught up with them while they were in the Fine Arts Museum. He hacked into the security system and slipped in quietly, even though he had slammed the limo door outside so that they knew he was coming. He couldn't track them now that they were away from the record player, but had a feeling they would be near some of the big exhibits. He checked all of the exhibits, and still heard and found nothing. Finally, he reached the door to go outside.

[A/N: OK, so to make up for the shortness of these chapters I've posted two. They should be much longer, and much better formatted since I won't be using my phone. Sorry about that, and thanks for reading!]

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