Running Out of Time

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"Uh oh."
"Well, according to the GPS, we can't stop as long as I wanted to and everywhere I wanted to if we want to make it to the final destination in our apocalypse road trip."
"Oh, well, that's OK. But are we still gonna stop?"
"Yeah. We still have to get gas and food since we already ate all of the sandwiches."
Matt gestured to all of the sandwich wrappers around them with his free hand, while keeping his eyes on the road.
"I still find it hilarious that you insist on driving properly. No one else is out here."
"You never know. Besides-"
He was cut off by the sound of a car speeding up behind him. A thumping bass started to become louder and louder until a sleek sports car zoomed past them. There were at least 4 large teenagers crammed into the car and leaning out the window, with beers in their hands and screaming.
"And that is exactly why I'm still following the rules of the road."
"Then I guess we aren't the only ones following our dreams. Though why in the middle of the night, I have no idea."
After 3 more hours of driving, they arrived in Richmond. They pulled into a parking lot and spent the rest of the night in the truck. As soon as the sun rose, they fueled the truck up quickly and bought some more caprese sandwiches from a family-run store that was still open. Amanda took a picture of the trees with her Polaroid and then they left for Salina, Kansas.
They were making fairly good pace until the truck started to slow down and then stopped.
"What the heck is going on Matt?"
"I think it broke..."
He tried starting the truck again, but the engine kept failing.
"We're never gonna make it now!"
"Don't say that... Besides, I might have a solution that'll get us there faster."
"How? We'd have to get a plane if we want to go there faster... Unless... We called..."
"No. Don't give up now Amanda."
He turned her face towards him.
"Look at me. You can do this. And I have another way. Just trust me."
Matt pulled out his cell phone and walked a little bit away to call someone.


An hour later, a sleek car pulled up in front of the truck. A man stepped out who had roughly the same build as Matt, but was shorter and had blonde, polished hair.
The two guys shook hands and then Matt turned to Amanda.
"Amanda, this is my half-brother Sam. Sam, this is my girlfriend Amanda."
"Nice to meet you, miss."
Amanda nodded and buried herself into Matt.
"Sam's a pilot and he's agreed to fly us to our final destination."
Amanda's face brightened up and looked at Matt.
"So he'll get us there in time?"
"My boss has been letting us fly the planes to wherever now, as long as we follow standard procedure. I've got a jet reserved in case I wanted to leave last minute, and I'm willing to fly you guy as long as you don't mind me bringing my dog Lucy."
"You are amazing. Thank you so much!"
"No problem. Anything for my favorite sibling and his girlfriend."
They grabbed their bags and put them into his car, and after Matt said goodbye to his first and only truck, they got into the car and sped down the highway to the airport.

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