chap 7

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It was morning already and u smell a really good smell and u decided to wake up. But I realized that u had slept with whitty, he looked so peaceful when he was asleep, u wanted to get up but.......

His grip tightened and he pulled u back down, he was sweating a bit, and it was a lil cold, u were kinda worried of what was happening to him so u decided to wake him up a little so he wouldn't feel alone in there. Whitty woke up eventually, but with a gasp of air.

U asked him if he was okay, he nodded and hugged u, this wasn't like him but u hugged him back but then he fell asleep. It seemed like he didn't sleep much but u layed him down again, and left to check.

Once u see in the kitchen u see Noah there, he was makeing eggs and bacon
(Bacon and eggs in a shape of a smile?
Okay I'll stop.)
U enjoyed the smell very much but once u looked around it seemed like someone managed to finish putting all the furniture back.

And it looked amazing on how it was placed so then u walked back to the kitchen where Noah was, you were sitting on the counter and told him...

Y/n: Good morning Noah!

N: Good morning kido, how did u sleep?

Y/n: I rested well, how about you

N: it was really good, also thanks for letting me stay here, u were my only hope I didn't know anyone around here.

Y/n: its alr it's no worries just as long u dont try anything I think we are good.

N: I wont let u down. Also here's breakfast,

He handed the you the plate, you. took the plate and thanked him, u hopped off the counter and walked to the table but when u were on the table u mumbled something under your breath but luckily he didn't hear


Hey there sorry I didn't post a chapter.
Sometimes I'm lazy, lose motivation, going to camps, and some other things but I'll try to post more chapters

Have a good day/evening/night where ever u are in the world

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