chapter 5

2 0 0

Two hours in, and I was considerably colder than I had been. In the future, temperatures at night were obviously higher than they were now due to global warming. I was used to waking up sweating on sultry nights, not having my eyes kept open by the stinging wind as I soared in the firmaments.

When I told Sophie I had come from the future, I had only been saying it like a half-truth. I didn't tell her the whole story. Well, not yet.

"Geez," I muttered to myself. "If you get back, you're telling her everything. Truths and all."

Three hours more to Dania, and then I would pay TechDalon a little visit.


My eyes snapped wide open, and I rolled over to glance at my alarm clock. Nearing two in the morning. Kygo had left around a quarter past nine; he should be reaching Dania soon.

It took me a minute to realise that I was sweating despite the breeze filtering in through the window, palms clammy with cold sweat; and another minute to realise that I hadn't had any nightmares since last night.

God, I was scared for Kygo, and even if he managed to make it back, what would be the next step of his plan?

That would be based on what he finds out tonight.

I shuddered to think. Somehow, even though we had only met for a short period of time, my intuition told me to trust him. And so I did.

Throwing the blankets off, I closed my eyes and tried going back to sleep.

He would be back by the time I got home from school tomorrow.

He had to.


The glowing neon sight screaming TECHDALON glowered at me from far across the streets and buildings.

I was here. Dania. TechDalon was right in front of me.

I took great care to remain hidden in the sky. For all I knew, they, he, would be waiting for me to come back. Springing a trap.

I couldn't rush in like a headless chicken. I had to wait, listen, see.

Blowing out a breath that misted in the cool air, I let my wings run parallel to the ground, slightly arched, so that the breeze could lift me up with ease and propel me towards my destination with all the stealth I could muster.

TechDalon was a rectangular building, with hundreds of glass windows in each side. One of the tallest buildings in Dania, easily recognised by its formidable structure and neon sign. Normally, it would be bustling as workers swung in and out of the huge glass doors at the entrance, or up and down the see-through glass lifts, or hurrying through the various rooms. At night, it would look like a ghost building, abandoned, silent, dark.

But I wasn't fooled.

Who in their right minds would leave such an important place open to the masses with no one to guard it?

I knew for a fact that Liam Dalon wouldn't, and I was right.

As soon as I got closer, I could see that there was one window alight on every few floors, and if I strained my eyes beyond the darkness, I could see faintly moving shadows.

Best guess? Patrolling guards.

TechDalon housed some of the most precious information for new technology aiming to better the lives of the people, and it would not do well for that information to fall into the wrong hands. Well, if it hadn't already, I thought bitterly.

Fading into timeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin