chapter 7

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I reviewed the list of ingredients with furrowed brows and pursed lips. If anyone didn't know better, it would look like some weird science experiment at school carried out by kids who didn't have any clue what they were writing.

Cartilage? Bones?

And sweet jesus, blood. One litre of it. And not just from anyone.

What could Liam be doing? Unless he was...

"Making wings!" Kygo blurted out, recovering from his temporary shock.

I dragged a hand down my face. A week ago, I wouldn't have believed any of this shit. But now, especially with the evidence that looked far too real for my liking...

"What about the rest of these? Terbium? What would he need that for? Winged beings with powers?" I pondered aloud, keying in "terbium" into the search bar, scrolling through its uses and properties.

"Fuck. You might be right..." Kygo's voice trailed off. "But he can'''s against Nature's Law."

Nature's Law?

Kygo must have sensed the quiet question written all over my face.
"Nature serves to give only those who are worth giving, and take from those who are meant to be stripped. All live beings are bound to and must adhere to this law, for it is the life source of earth. Those who are susceptible to greed and use their advantages to greatly alter and oppress, will face the wrath of Nature, and so will the rest, for the onus is on the people to stop one of their own kind."

I paused for a moment, letting the words pool in my head in one large clustered mess. Then I shoved a pen in his direction. "Write it down."


"Have you never heard of Nature's Law?" I asked curiously, hand feeling weird and achy and floppy after writing the long paragraph. I hadn't written in ages. When you were in captivity, it was hard to find chances to write, much less materials to practice on. It took a while for me to regain the ability to do so.

"Nope," Sophie replied, eyes still fixed on the computer screen. "Who taught you?"

"An old friend," I said without missing a beat. Then, quieter, "I miss him."

I could feel Sophie's eyes on me, watching quietly as if unsure what to say. Then I began to wonder where her biological parents were, if she had mentioned that she was living with her aunt and uncle. Could they be...

"It's okay. I miss my parents too."

I looked up and caught her eye, catching a faint glimpse of a sad smile. Then it was back to scouting for information.


"Do you really think he's plotting to create winged beings with new powers? Or is there any chance that he could be planning to start now, as in right now, in this time frame instead of the future?"

Kygo rubbed a hand over his face, eyes focusing blearily on my gesturing hands before gazing out the window. "To be honest, I'm not sure. I...I might need to go back there. Maybe that's the only way to find out more."

A spike of protectiveness flared up in me. "The last time you went, you barely made it out of there alive. When you go this time, they will be more prepared for you. He will be more prepared for you. And then, if he does manage to take your blood and change his decision to impose wings upon all of us now, then what? What's the plan after that?"

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