chapter 11

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I grumbled, sinking into the shadows, using my wings to blend into the dark murky background. There was a small but open space between a tall shrub and the wall behind it that spelt out the borders of this place. It was cozy, yes, but I was hungry, and hungry meant that no place was cozy enough. Geez, what I would give for just a slice of that meatloaf I had grown so accustomed to, and not to mention, terribly fond of. Just thinking of it made my stomach emit an embarrassingly loud growl and I winced, peeking out from behind the leaves. The building was alight with noise and the familiar buzz of activity within its walls despite the late hour. Well, maybe not that late. But still, later than usual.

The night air was cold, chilling the tip of my nose and my fingers. I stuffed them deeper into the pockets of my dark jeans, courtesy of Sophie's uncle, who was a little too rotund around the waist, and I had spent half the time in the sky trying to grapple with the waistband of the jeans to prevent them from slipping off despite the safety pins Sophie had lent me.

Speaking of Sophie, had she even arrived? Should I look for...

"Whatever you're thinking isn't a good idea."

I yelped at the sudden voice, whipping around to espy a familiar face peering at me from above the tangle of leaves and flowers. I had been so focused on looking around the bush that I hadn't paid attention to looking above it. And speaking of the devil...

"How did you know what I was thinking?" I attempted to stretch out my legs as much as I could, wings fluttering faintly against the wall.

Sophie snorted, rolling her eyes. "It doesn't need to take a very smart person to guess what you were trying to do. Especially," and here she jabbed a finger threateningly in my direction, hovering inches from my nose, "when your face was half exposed to the world. If anyone saw you, they would be wondering what on earth you were doing behind this shrub and why on earth you-"

"Miss. Are you alright?" A deep, gravelly, unfamiliar voice jolted both of us out of our temporary little bubble, which I had forgotten, was totally and extremely transparent out here in the open. I shrank further behind the shrub, wrapping my wings around me, using their inky black colour to further conceal me within the dancing shadows.

"Uh," I heard Sophie say oh-so-smoothly, and couldn't repress a sputter escaping from between my tightly clamped lips despite the panic bubbling up in my veins.

"Yeah, I was just...just practising my lines for a school play. I, uh...thought this was a nice spot because I didn't want anyone to hear me."

"Ah. That explains the heated whispering then!" A hearty chuckle soon followed. "Well, miss, I'll leave you to your own devices then. Don't stay out too late, I'm sure your parents will be expecting you inside. And good luck for that play."

My heart settled firmly when the heavy footsteps shuffled away, followed by the unmistakable tap tap of a cane. A nice old man, I supposed.

"Get your ass out now."

I sniggered, drawing up to my full height after making sure no one else was left in the garden.

"And stop sniggering, else you won't have any of that food I saved for you."

I fixed her with a look of horror and disbelief. "Using food to blackmail me...I never thought you would stoop so low."

Despite the scowl on her face, I could see the edge of a smile tugging at the corner of her lips.


When I reached my room, Kygo was already on the balcony, levelling an unimpressed look at me through the glass door. The moment I unlocked it, my ears were subjected to a barrage of whines and complaints, mainly being "it's so cold outside" and "I'm hungry" and "why didn't you just unlock the door so I could get in first".

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