chapter 8

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"Take a break first," Sophie had suggested and I begrudgingly agreed. The next couple of days proved uneventful, what with me brainstorming for alternative entrances into TechDalon or ways to stop Liam.

"You know, there are drains leading up into the building. The lower levels."

"Your point?" I asked, half knowing where this conversation was going to lead.

"You use the drains. You have wings, people expect you to fly. The top entrances are gonna be heavily guarded. My mama always said, "If you want to surprise someone, do the unexpected." and I think she's right."

I shot her a soft smile at the mention of her mother. It mustn't have been easy, considering how I had put the topic off until now.

"I'm coming with you."

I was about to nod, the effect of the words not fully sinking in yet, until they did and I let out an undignified yelp as I almost toppled off the chair. "You're ...what?"

"Coming. With. You."

I couldn't help the little burst of relief in my chest but I pushed it down and allowed the underlying confusion and worry to surface.

"My cousin got a new job at TechDalon. She's driving the family there next weekend for a little vacation in Dalia since she can now afford to splurge a little. Coincidence not?"

My jaw unhinged itself in shock and amazement. I couldn't stop the look of happiness that crossed my features, though I tried to school it into something more neutral. Sophie hadn't met Liam in person yet, she had no idea of the cruelties he was capable of. And if he decided to enact his plan, they would all be in danger. I couldn't just ask her to tag along because I needed moral support. It would be incredibly selfish of me.

"You're really going?" I asked, hoping it came out as more dejected than relieved.

The girl had probably never looked more earnest in her entire life. Sweet jesus. She looked like the kind who would try to murder you if you stopped her and it wasn't in my plan to get killed before I stopped Liam.

Caught deep in my train of thought, I hadn't even noticed the plate of meatloaf she waved under my nose. As I eagerly reached for it, she moved it out of reach. "Uh uh. Say you're glad that I'm coming first."

I rolled my eyes and grumbled under my breath. This was going to be harder than I thought.

"What's that?" Sophie said with a smirk. "You don't want your meatloaf? I'll have it then..."

"Wait!" I screeched, leaping up. "I'm happy that you're coming! Now give me my food!"


As my cousin chattered excitedly over the phone about her new job, Kygo and I opened a directory of the building itself. Thank god they had made things like online directories. Though a 3-D version would be much better. And easier to visualise.

I circled my mouse over the lower levels. "If I'm not wrong, the drains lead up here."

Kygo wrinkled his nose. "If your cousin has a work pass for entering, why can't you just take it and let the two of us enter?"

"Yeah," I said without taking my eyes off the screen. "That's a real good idea."

Kygo's eyes lit up at the prospect of not having to travel beneath the city. "Really? So are we doing it?"

"Yeah." I said, barely concealing my smirk. "I'm doing it. You're still using the drains lest someone recognise your face when you waltz in through the front doors."

Fading into timeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora