Lying In Wait

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It had now been a week. since she met Kurloz, not counting the day they met, since they had barely really...well, ok, eight days. Meulin also had an unsettling feeling about Marlowe. She couldn't quite place it, that is, until lunch that day.

At lunch, everyone had been very quiet. Almost silent. Meulin felt her anxiety build up inside her again as lunch drew towards the end, and her fingers tapped nervously on the table. She got up from the table, finally, with Marlowe trailing behind her like a lost puppy. She was just about to ask him what was up when-


Kurloz punched David Carter straight in the face.

Meulin gasped. A teacher ran in their direction. Marlowe, as far as Meulin could tell by reading his lips, uttered a string of curses. Meulin whipped Kurloz around and began frantically signing at him.

What were you thinking?! What could've possessed you to punch him in the face?

Kurloz was furious.

He called you an absolutely unspeakable name. I could not just listen and let him get away with-

At that, the teacher, who happened to be Mrs. Keal, grabbed Kurloz's shoulder. And by the look on her face, she wasn't congratulating him on landing a punch in the school's biggest douche. She then turned to Meulin and Marlowe, who were both completely shell-shocked and (very) upset, and pointed sternly down the hall. They got the message.

Meulin's head was a bit of a whirlwind. Everything was happening too fast. And what could David have possibly said to make Caring Kurloz sock him in the nose? Not even to mention Marlowe. She turned to him, hopeful for an opinion. But what she got was a lot different. Marlowe had his hands up, and he carefully signed just three fateful words.

I love you.

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