Periods 2 and 3

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Meulin loved art. She couldn't wait to walk through the art room doors, hand off the recording device to Ms. Tate, and take her seat and begin drawing. She wasn't that bad of an artist either.

Sadly, though, she had to endure the trauma that is 2nd period math first.

As she entered her math class, she kept her head down. She took her seat in the back of class, near the door. She was secretly glad she was placed there, for she was next to the only friend she had who was not disabled.

Marlowe Dixon was 5'6 feet of bad jokes and charisma. Unfortunately, though, aside from his name, he was completely normal. He didn't mind that Meulin was deaf though. So Meulin decided she would keep him.

Marlowe also, fortunately, was an expert note passer. Meulin regularly got notes from Marlowe, and that was their main source of communication. Sometimes Meulin spoke, and most times she could read his lips. Like today.

"Hello," Meulin tried to whisper as she sat down. She looked to Marlowe for a response. He smiled and mouthed, "Hi! I-have-some-thing-to-show-you." Marlowe spoke slowly, then raised his hands.

Marlowe Dixon, to Meulin's utter shock and surprise, began to sign.

Hello, he signed. My name is Murlow Dixon. I have ben practisin sign languag for you, Meulin!

Meulin smiled a wide, toothy smile. She took out a piece of paper and wrote:
Thank you, Marlowe! I love you and it so much, even if you did misspell some words! :3

She gave him the note, along with a big hug. She was back in her seat right as the bell rang.


Math class went fast. Notes were passed. Directions ignored, then re-read on the iPad. Easy, normal, okay.

Then Art came, surprises, of course, following right along beside it.

Meulin did as planned. Gave the recording device to Ms. Tate, went in, sat down, began to draw. She didn't pay attention or notice anything.

But then her iPad lit up.

Hello, my creative students! Before we begin regular attendance and announcements, I would like to make a special one. David Carter, due to schedule change, is now in our room! Say hello!

Meulin froze and looked up. There, in a baggy Nike hoodie and jeans, stood golden-haired David Carter. He smiled his cocky smile and waved shortly at the class. Meulin wanted to yell, but the words on her iPad screen stopped her.

But wait! I have one more announcement. Kurloz Makara, our new student, is also with us today! Give Kurloz a warm, wildcats welcome!

Kurloz shuffled up to the front of the room, giving a little wave. Meulin caught his eye, and quickly signed, It's ok! Art is fun! He smiled and signed back, Thank you, Meulin. I trust what you say is true.

Meulin looked around the room. Most kids were confused, David was obviously snickering, but Meulin didn't really care. David didn't matter as long as she had Kurloz.

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