The boy

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Right when she walked in, Meulin's growing anxiety topped out. She felt queasy as she shuffled through the hallways with the other students. She wished she could hear.

The vibrations of many, many feet echoed in her brain. Her first period was right around the corner, if she could just-ooph!

Meulin looked at the person she had just bumped into. Oh no. The unforgiving icy blue eyes of David Carter stared back at her. He smiled a mean, sharp smile.

"Watch it, freak." She could read David's lips easily; he always seemed to say the same thing. He would call her freak, cat girl, creeper, and his favorite, deafie. She hated the nicknames, but he was the only one who called her them, so she let it go.

She pushed passed him to her first period. The room was white and bland. It was English with Mrs. Stelone, who no one really liked very much. Everyone said she was boring. Meulin couldn't care less.

Mrs. Stelone stood outside the classroom, greeting everyone. When she saw Meulin, she clipped her small recording device to her shirt. That recording device recorded everything she said, and then it transferred the words to an iPad Meulin carried with her. Expensive technology, but very useful.

Good morning, Meulin! Meulin's iPad read. "Good morning, Mrs. Stelone," Meulin said. She hated that she couldn't hear her own voice. She imagined how bad it sounded. But she walked into the classroom anyway.

She took her seat at the front corner of the room, on the far side. She took out her book to read for Silent Student Reading time, or SSR.

Her book was Walk Two Moons, by Shannon Creech. Meulin only had a few short chapters to go, and she knew she would finish it today. Right when Mrs. Stelone walked into the room to take attendance, tears started trickling down Meulin's face.

When Meulin read the final words in the book,(Huzza, Huzza.) her iPad flashed the word: Meulin? Meulin choked out a "Here," and dried her eyes. SSR was over. Meulin stared at her iPad, waiting for instruction.

Good morning, class! Today we will be doing group work.... Meulin pressed the auto-save button on her iPad, so the instructions would save and she wouldn't have to pay attention.

Meulin waited for the instructions to stop, doodling on the edge of her English worksheet. Her iPad vibrated, she could feel it through the desk. It vibrated everytime her name was recognized through the program. Meulin looked at the screen.

Meulin, would you mind working with our new student? I think you'll like him. Meulin looked up at the kid standing in front of her desk.

He was tall, with curly black hair. His eyes were a dark brown, the kind you could get lost in, and his skin was a pale peach color. The wore a black shirt with a pattern on it made to resemble the upper half of a skeleton, minus the head. On his legs were jeans.

He waved at her, then, to Meulin's surp

rise, started to sign.

Hello, my name is Kurloz. I am mute, and I was told you are deaf. I am assuming you know sign language?

Meulin smiled and started to sign back. Hi, I am Meulin Leijon. You are correct, I am deaf and do know sign language. Meulin then tuned to Mrs. Stelone. "Miss, may we work in the hall please?" Meulin spoke slowly, careful not to mess up the words she couldn't hear.

Mrs. Stelone smiled and nodded, handing them both a worksheet and sending them on their way.

Once they were out, Kurloz's smile dropped. Is she always like this? he signed. Meulin shrugged. I guess so, but what do you mean by that? Kurlos sank down against the wall onto the floor. She's too sugar sweet, he explained. She acts as if I cannot function because I cannot talk. It is ridiculous.

Meulin smiled. You are right.

The rest of English went smoothly. The worksheet was fairly easy, and they finished quick, which meant 12 solid minutes of talking to each other about everything.

As soon as everyone took their seats, words came across Meulin's iPad again. Since it is the start of second term, the partners that you had today will be your partners until the second semester mark. If you have any problems with you arrangement, please raise your hand.

Meulin looked around to see about 6 kids raising their hands and glaring at one another. Meulin looked at her iPad again to see what Mrs. Stelone had to say.

Alright, you children will need to write a short 3-5 paragraph essay about why you think you shouldn't be with your partner. Each paragraph has to be at least four sentences. It is due tomorrow.

Meulin was sure the children were groaning, which seemed stupid; it wasn't really that much work.

Wait, the iPad read. The students who didn't raise their hands shall write a long paragraph, 6-8 sentences, about why they would like to keep their partner.

Meulin turned around and looked at Kurloz, who was three rows away, three seats back. He was looking at her too.

He then held up his hands, and signed one word.


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