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There was a message sound came off from the phone. She picked up and her ears shot up high on reading it from whom it came from. She was smiling so much that her friends were worried if their friend is okay or just lost her mind and approached her seeing she was looking at her mobile and asked

Uraraka: hey rumi, why are you smiling so much, did something great happened?

Rumi: w-what! n-no no nothing special happened, o-okay, lets go to school.

Uraraka: okay, as you wish

they went forward to their destination, to UA high

On reaching close to their classes rumi separated from her all 'A year older friends' and went to her class.

Everything went as it was supposed to be and then there was lunch break and rumi was finding her friends and saw a bunch class 2-A girls sitting and waving their hands to signal rumi to come over

As she did and all the girls were surrounding rumi as she was shocked by this as she whelped "ehhh!". She then asked them all why were surrounding her like this and then uraraka replied "you were so happy in the morning so i just told all of them what you were doing looking at your mobile in the morning and they are just want to know now what happened"

"What, i can't tell you anything because there is nothing there to tell" Rumi replied, " what , so you won't tell us anything?" Mina asked grinning, but this did sent shivers down Rumi's spine as the whole school knew that Mina could do anything and literally anything to get the story she wanted,  and so Rumi admitted her defeat. " O-okay, i will tell you guys" Rumi said, and everyone was shocked that the bold Rumi just stuttered

"So is it a boy?" Mina inquired, "yes" which Rumi replied and everyone went crazy that Rumi of all the other girls was crushing on someone and so Mina again asked whether he was from the UA to which Rumi said no and now this made everyone more curious to what kind of boy did Rumi liked

" Do you have his pic?" Asked Momo which Rumi showed his multiple pictures that she saved from his Instagram profile and this shocked everyone as every other girl was drooling over izuku 

" Do you have his pic?" Asked Momo which Rumi showed his multiple pictures that she saved from his Instagram profile and this shocked everyone as every other girl was drooling over izuku 

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(imagine with White hair)

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(imagine with White hair)

Rumi quickly drew back her phone from other's eyes as she could see their eyes all over izuku's pics 

Rumi: ok so you got a glimpse of him right?

Everyone : yes

Mina: wow rumi, your boyfriend is so hot!!!

Rumi: hey, back off, he is mine

Uraraka: ok rumi, no need to get all jumpy here, we know he is yours but could we meet him because we want to know if he is best for you, pretty please!!!

Rumi : o-okay, let me ask him first

She then texted Izuku about all happened and asked if he is free to meet her and he immediately said yes 

After the school end, everyone was ready to meet up with Izuku as they all walked to the café they were supposed to meet, along with the girls were also katsumi, shoka and izumi also

When they reached the café  they all saw Izuku as Rumi went straight to him and grabbed his arm and announced to everyone "So this is my boyfriend and you all should back off cause he is mine alone" she ended her sentence only to look up to Izuku who was all flustered up and she got flustered also seeing him like that.

Izuku *whispers in rumi's ears*: so boyfriend huh? i do like it alot

This made Rumi blush more than the crimson red, she said  "whatever you want babe" 

izuku: wow, 'babe'? alright now babe * and he gave a peck on her cheeks make blush everyone even katsumi and shoka also*

Izuku: so you guys wanted to meet me, is that right?

Mina: yes, we wanted to know you more cause you know rumi was acting all defensive towards you and saying things like now sharing you with anyone

Izuku: what share me!, no i would never love anyone other than her, is it alright with you rumi

Rumi: y-yes

everyone was just watching them as the couple was themselves getting all flustered up

izuku: so i think we all should get inside and then we can talk

everyone: okkayyy!!!!!!!

but izumi was a little suspicious about him as he did sounded similar to the boy who attacked the USJ but she shrugged it off for the time being and went with the rest inside the café  

yo guys, so another chapter done and i know this one is a bit short compared to the other but i will write something good next time

so see you all in the next chapter

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