{} CH 2 {} Calm before the storm

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The girl was obviously breathless and flustered so they weren't screams of pain or anything, If they were she'd be long gone now. Who would run away from Saer? 

He stood there gawking at me. Tonight, had been everything going wrong for me but this? I brought this upon myself.

"You're... so different now" I manage to stutter. "I'm 22 now so yes i am". I was surprised he didn't answer arrogantly. He let me go and I rubbed the area his hand just left; it was warm.

Then the horror of the fact that I hate his guts and I'll be in bed with him, sit at the same table in his house and be husband and wife set in quickly. I was flustered and mad at myself. "I'll return home now that you're... okay the duke will be waiting". I say, looking at the girl. Her clothes are rumpled as she leans against the tree, dress lifted high and tears on her face. She looks at me filled with embarrassment. Every corner in this kingdom and far, people know about this god damned marriage alliance so i guess that might explain the tears.

 He chuckled, his voice so deep it didn't only penetrate through the silent night but my heart too. "Where do you think you're going looking like that?" He says to me, I fire back "I've just seen you now since I was 10 and this is the first thing you say to me?" 

Now the confusion shifted to his face. "Sometimes words fly over your head" he said. He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me towards him. My heart raced so much the only shame I was feeling was the fact that just maybe he could hear it. He felt up my neck all the way down to my chest and tapped where my corset hung tight. "It's ripped here, when you breathe or talk your breasts seem like they could free themselves, I'm only a man and an unmarried one at that, watch what you do to me" his laugh roared after seeing my disgusted reaction to his words.

I pushed him away and slapped him hard, so hard it hurt my hand more than it hurt him. He stayed with his head tilted and a bleeding lip. "Fucking hell, do not touch me with the same hands god knows what you were doing with. Your infidelity is so clear, so dangerous and so public at an event like this and you will still say those vulgar words to me before her."

Truthfully, I wasn't ashamed or angry at what he did. My body reacted to him, and I wished he kept talking in my ear, I wished I was back there in his warmth and that's what made me truly ashamed. I could never love this man. He is the one I need to escape no matter what.

He looked at me with distaste. "What else was i supposed to do, you interrupted me from her small luscious once to your big ones. You think i give a fuck about whatever infidelity bullshit you are speaking of. Everyone knows i jump from bed to bed, it's not really a secret. Just that.... No one says it to your high, stuck-up self." 

I laughed. I actually laughed. I looked at him as he dared me to say something that would piss him off, but I glanced at the girl, walking towards her i fixed her clothes for her and helped her stand up straight. She was shaking under my gaze and hold. "I came here for you because i heard you... well um, you were loud, might as well have an exchange, right?" I said to her. She gave me the most apologetic look I'd ever had. "don't worry, it wouldn't be smart to be mad at every girl that was under him now, would it? Girls like you-" I grabbed her jaw gently "well girls like us, in this society especially are held high because of our bodies. I won't blame you for wanting a taste of the high and mighty Saer and he has the looks to accompany the rumors too." 

She started stuttering "I- I- I am rose of house calli-" I cut her off, her father was a baron. No one would stick up for this girl if I decided to hang her on this tree right now. "i don't care rose. what i care about is a girl like you with so much potential whoring herself to a married man. If a woman just like you isn't harsh with you how else will you get that married men are off limits?" She was now shaking.

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