{} CH 3 {} The Dog that raised a wolf

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I wake up panting and notice I've broken out in mild sweating. I can't seem to catch my breath as my ears ring with the tune from my mother's music box. I haven't had a dream about that night in the past 5 years. I can't believe it's been 5 years since my 18th birthday and all that came after it.

Now I was reminded I was traveling back "home" to marry him no matter how I'd tried to forget about it on this trip. After that night of promising myself to work harder, my father caught me on the training grounds at midnight. I never thought he would speak the words that came out of his mouth but I'm here because of them aren't i? My selfish father admitted i was better than most men my age and older but i still defied him. A woman, a duchess and a future queen at that was out at midnight in men's attire training and most importantly, that same woman was his daughter. I could die for this; he could have done all things fucked up to me for it.

I didn't expect much good to come from it, he chose the lesser evil anyways. That night he made a deal with me that I'd have all the things i needed to be the best fighter would be given to me on a silver platter but only if I did all the dirty work no one was willing to do for him- all the work that men died for, all the work people were disgusted by even the worst of humans. Trafficking young girls, selling drugs that caused havoc and death everywhere they reached... every evil thing you would have in mind. 

I did not care much for my life anyways so I said I'd take the deal only if i was at my full strength so he would have to help me reach at my best before I helped him. I'm thankful every day for his stupidity. As soon as I was at my full potential, I ran away. The only people who found about this was the Imperial family and the 3 prestigious families. I found out two years after my escape they called my father the dog that raised a wolf. He was a dog; he was always down to get dirty for anything others didn't have. He wanted to be the most envied no matter what tricks he used. I guess i was the wolf, the one that got away- the one that wasn't raised to be dog like him. 

King Orella le roux issued my papers for my freedom 3 years after my escape. He was a sly fox himself; he used the excuse that I defended the border alongside his men but really i just wanted somewhere warm to sleep and eat. Where better to do that than the king's men themselves, they were shocked when they found out that was me. I never made it a bother to be known, many people would think every few months I was finally wiped off the earth because I was so "disgraceful". 

I wasn't exactly happy or relieved about this. I was doing fine on my own, but I had to be happy. I didn't want to live as a murderous street rat. I wanted what was stolen from my mother, what she denied herself- being queen and the only queen who didn't need a king. 

When the King reinstated me in my position as if I didn't run away 3 years ago, all my duties including the marriage came back tenfold. I was ordered to back in my rightful place within a year, but I wanted at least a whole year to myself, i still had some unfinished business rooting out the weeds my father planted all over the countries. I ignored the royal decree, but the King yet again overlooked it. 

I am obviously going to pay for my stubbornness when I stand before him, i just hope it won't give me much of a headache. I've already used 6 months of this year finishing up everything i needed. If i went back to Aristocracy i would be tied down for good. The king DID say within a year so I'll probably reach Yvannia (capital of Lunar) in a week or so, I've already been on the road for 3 months.

The 4 and a half years I spent fighting for my life weren't so bad either with the company i made. I had this one group of friends that were very special though they're more like my chosen family since god's choices were heavily flawed the first time. 

There was Seti and Satum, they were identical twins. A girl and a boy, Seti doesn't talk more than needed, she's made it clear she's romantically interested in women only. They are like day and night because we have to pay Satum to shut up. He's also never discreet and says things as they are and for someone so outgoing, he's pretty closed off to love. 

After we met Neptune and Atari who seemed to be friends for a long time but also a weird romantic backstory to them. They were both men which I was comfortable with, love was not limited to gender in my book. Anyone who was able to receive pure and real love was lucky. Even though Atari was the stronger and bigger one between them, Neptune always bossed him around anyway.

Then there was, Eydis you could mistake her for a boy, and she wanted it to stay that way. She was the smartest out of all of us and honestly, she helps decision making processes less dangerous and less chaotic. All the "I want to kill" energy is toned down because of her.

Lastly there was Ra, she said she'd tell us her full name if she had to. She had a very upfront and "look at me the wrong way and I'll have your head on a stick" personality. Her fire-like red hair made her stand out a lot. She seemed like a mother to all of us and lucky for us she didn't mind when we annoyed her.

 These 7 individuals meant more to me these past 4 and a half years than anyone meant to me in my whole life, and they forever will.

All of my friends were in pairs, the twins were twins, Neptune and Atari were lovers, Ra and Eydis were best friends, but it was only Hekaat that we found alone and worked the hardest for her to love and trust us. We all called her Heka because it meant magic. She was a sorceress and honestly no one could tell her with her petite lean frame and beauty.

They all at first couldn't believe I wasn't stuck up and actually sent here to probably die. Sometimes they weren't comfortable treating me like a commoner. Sometimes they were surprised I could do things even commoners didn't know how to do. We would fight over how risky and stubborn we all were but, in the end, losing one of us because of impulsive decisions was more important than getting revenge. With time we learnt to love and help each other before anyone and anything.

I went outside and Heka and Eydis were fighting over who will carry equipment to the next destination. "You guys are so loud keep it down for Renaque" I heard Ra say. I came out yawning and energetic "too late I'm up." Eydis smiled up at me apologetically. Heka dropped the items in her bag and ran into the woods near the lake. Eydis cursed running after her. Atari and Neptune came with the horses so we could leave in a bit. I started jogging and shouted, "whoever's last to jump in the lake gets to keep guard tonight" and we all started running towards the lake.

Neptune was last and obviously Atari would volunteer to do it for him, so we all got mad at them. "Hey, your lovesick isn't supposed to be involved" Ra said, Neptune being embarrassed said "okay, i can stay up with him then" and Atari held his face. "Don't let them upset you". I finished drying off and we were now gonna get on the road. "We have to be on our way, we'll be there in 6 days if I'm not wrong, so we all need to lose the rough touches we allow everyday" I said. They all laughed at that, if there was one thing my friends were NOT going to do is change themselves for anyone.

My wedding with the prince was now 3 months away. The kingdom was in so much joy, their war hero and savior was going to be back to the country. I heard a lot of things about Saer Over these past years. They weren't so happy about him marrying a runaway murderous woman who was favored by the emperor though. Nevertheless, I was happy because now I had people who could get me through this, and I'd go back home to see people I had peace with.

How could Saer Arnaldr not be perfect. He came from a family of perfectionists. 5 brothers and 4 sisters who were all in high places in life. They were either great doctor, had great magic abilities, used their brains and were the best at almost every fucking thing. One quality the Arnaldrs had though was the ability to instill fear, gain respect and utmost obedience wherever they were. The royal family was dependent on the Arnaldrs but no one dared to say it even while whispering. They were always there for each other in every mistake, every dishonor, every fucked-up shit and that's what got them far. They stuck together through everything and that made them impenetrable in every way. It only makes sense the 3rd son of Zyan Arnaldr- Saer Arnaldr was loved and envied by all.

The past 5 years away from home made me actually miss it. Not everyone back home hated me, I was comfortable with calling it home even. Some of the maids at the duke's household fed me and took care of me to their best effort and most importantly I had the Queens support.

3 months was enough to cause chaos around the duke and reclaim everything he took from me as his. Why not make him miserable before i take my position as Crown princess. Except just from the shadows, I want everything to go wrong for him slowly until he thinks he's cursed.

I push the stressful thoughts to the back of my mind immediately. It's not time yet, I'll unfold them all soon, i need a brain-break these few months I'm away from all that.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2023 ⏰

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