New Life

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"It's happening" Evelyn signs to me and I feel my stomach drop as I see her water had just broke. I quickly grab her hand and she hands me the picture frame she was holding. I walk her down the stairs and she stops at the end. I do breathing techniques that had been in the book. She grips my hand tightly and squeezes it as a contraction begins. I begin to do the techniques along with her and she cups my cheek and gives me a smile. 

I then help her up and we head towards the basement. I go in front of her and down the steps in a hurry but still not making any noise. I step down each step but stop completely and drop the picture frame out of my hand and it shatters onto the floor creating a loud noise filling the whole house. I immediately fall and hold my foot as I see the nail from the stairs is completely lodged into the bottom of it. I start doing my own breathing techniques as I carefully remove the nail from my foot. I grunt in pain and then throw the nail across the basement. 

I then stand back up in pain and quickly grab ahold of Evelyn's hand. We then walk to the bottom of the steps. Evelyn quickly moves to the light switch and turns the knob causing the lightbulbs outside to turn to red to let Lee know that we were in trouble. We then both walk hand in hand towards the stairs and a loud noise comes from the top. I feel my stomach drop even more when I see that one of the creatures are walking around the house. 

We both quickly duck out of view and I begin to cry as the pain in my foot intensifies. I must stay strong however for Evelyn. "It's okay stay calm and just breathe they will leave eventually" I sign as tears roll down my face. I was trying to convince myself as well that I was gonna be alright. An idea then sparks in my head as I limp over towards a cart and dig through Lee's stuff. I see a small kitchen timer. I place the timer on one side of the basement hoping it'll allow us to run up the stairs and out of the house. My footsteps leave a bloody footprint as I walk over to Evelyn and grab her hand. 

I take her over towards a small secluded part in the basement. I stop however when I hear a small growling noise. The two of us look to the left and see the monster is walking down the stairs of the basement. I begin to cry more. Evelyn then begins to have a contraction and falls to the floor in pain. She bites her sweater in attempt to cope with her pain. She then sits back up and takes a deep breath. 

Then the timer goes off and we both run up the stairs and towards the front door. I stop Evelyn when I see one of the creatures right outside the house. I quickly take her up the stairs and into her and Lee's bathroom. I lay her down in the bathtub and open her legs. I quickly check to see she is at least 9 centimeters dilated and the baby will be coming in the next short couple minutes. I look at her and sign "It's almost time" she nods and takes a couple more deep breaths. She lays back and I look to see the blood floating towards the drain some from Evelyn and some from my foot. 

I hear the monster coming up the stairs and I look at Evelyn. "Lee will be here soon" Evelyn signs and I nod. I was never ready for delivering a baby. I had read one stupid book. I don't really know how to do this. I put my head in my hands and begin to pray everything goes right. 

God, I know we haven't always been on the same page but I need your help here, You always are saying that we need to accept as many babies into this world as we can, Help me delivering this one safely for the baby and Evelyn. I pray and make the sign of the cross and then I hear fireworks erupt from the outside. Evelyn screams and I quickly pull the baby out. It's not crying though. I quickly do CPR on it and Evelyn looks at me scared. 

The baby then starts to cry and I wrap it up in a towel quickly. I cut the cord with a nearby razor head and then take Evelyn into the shower which would be more safe for her. The baby stops crying as soon as I hand it to Evelyn as it can now hear it's mothers heartbeat. "I'm going to find Marcus and Regan I'll be back to check on you" I sign to Evelyn. "Please keep them safe" Evelyn signs and I grab her hand. "Of course" I say and get up and carefully walk down the steps. 

I take a deep breath and then exit the house and run around the side of the house towards the corn. My eyes quickly adjust to the darkness and it's then I can see a light shining through the corn. I quickly run towards the light. I stop however when I see a creature in front of me. I hold my breath as it crawls in my direction. It however stops and begins to whine and runs away. I look at it in shock and then I see Regan bent down. I quickly run to her and touch her shoulder. She jumps at my contact but relaxes when she sees my face. "You okay?" I sign to her and she nods her head. 

I then see the light clearer and Regan seems to see it as well. We walk towards the light and I reach down and pick it up. A hand however grabs a hold of me. I jump back but relax when I see Marcus face. He quickly hugs me and Regan shaking. I scratch his back in an attempt to relax him. "She had the baby" I sign to the two of them. They give me wide expressions. "I left her in the shower, she's okay" I sign and they nod their heads. 

LOUD//Marcus AbbottWhere stories live. Discover now