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I jolt myself awake and look around the room. The baby is peacefully sleeping in its crib. I then look around and my stomach drops when I don't see Marcus in the room. I quickly get up and then look over towards the baby. It is sound asleep and wouldn't be waking up anytime soon. I walk quickly towards the ladder and climb it as quiet as I can. I open the lid of the bunker and look around. I see a flashlight illuminating the warehouse on the second floor. I climb out and shut the lid and quickly walk up the stairs. 

My head immediately snaps in a direction of a noise. I quickly run towards it hoping Marcus was okay. The dark warehouse was hard to see in though and I end up colliding with a frightened and running Marcus. It seemed as though I caught his elbow and I hear a crack from my nose. My nose begins to pour blood and I can taste it in my mouth and I can feel my entire face become dripping with blood. "Auggie, get up we gotta go!" Marcus whispers and helps me up. I help Marcus as he limps as fast as he can. 

We get to the ladder and the growls become closer. The creatures were here and stalking around the warehouse waiting for any noise. I usher Marcus in first and then he climbs down the ladder. I then hop in and I see the creature in the proximity. I shut the lid and then immediately run to the baby. I pick it up and slide it into the vault and then I myself get in. Marcus then grabs the speaker and throws it to me and I catch it and then he shuts the vault door. 

We both breath heavily trying to gain our breaths. I touch my nose and I can tell the blood is all over my face and it's smeared on my forehead. I then tilt my head forward and put my nose against the stone cold wall. It's no ice but any cool temperature helps. I feel a tap on my shoulder though and I turn to see Marcus. He seems to be having a panic attack. 

"Whats wrong?" I ask grabbing his shoulders and he begins to breath heavily again. "I didn't put the towel down, we are locked in" Marcus utters out and I begin to feel my own panic attack coming on. We both get to the door and then start kicking and screaming. I cry and try to push it open and kicking it. The door however doesn't budge and I start to rock back and forth. I feel my own oxygen being stripped away and I feel as though I can't breath. It feels like I have never known fresh air in my life and I am now desperately craving the fresh air. This makes me regret not breathing in the fresh air and taking it for granted. 

I then look down at the babies crib and I see the oxygen tank. I take the mask from the baby and hand it to Marcus. "Breath in little amounts we need to save some for him" I say gesturing to the baby. I would rather myself die and the baby live than the baby die and I live because I was to selfish. Marcus takes the mask and breaths in the oxygen. He feels a little relief and I'm thankful he is calming down. He then hands me the mask and I take a small breath of air and then hand it to the baby. The baby seems to be crying. 

We go through the same cycle of Marcus breathing and then me and then the baby. I look at the oxygen tank and realize that the oxygen level is at zero though. I try to breath it in but I get nothing. I begin to cry as I realize this is how I'm gonna die. "I'm sorry" Marcus says and I look at him in confusion. "I Locked us in here it's my fault we are all gonna die" he says and I shush him. "None of this is your fault" I say and Marcus puts his head down. I feel my own head become lightheaded.

"I'll see you soon" I say and give Marcus a smile. "Love you" Marcus says and lays down. "Love you too" I get out and I feel my body start to ache. My lungs start to burst and I feel my heart beat slow. I shut my eyes and let myself be overcome by the darkness. 

LOUD//Marcus AbbottWhere stories live. Discover now