At Collen's House.

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At the doorstep of Colleen's house.

"Hey.. psst Adanna! are you sure you wanna do this?! This house is giving me some sort of vibes I have never felt before... like the one where my hair at the back of my neck stands up." Jenna asks. "Shh! Stop being a baby and let's just go inside. If we die, at least, it would be together (MWUHAHAHA)." Adanna says by laughing immensely. "D-d-die??!!! No... I have seen that laugh before... your evil laugh... you laugh like this when you are about to do something crazy that even demons run away from you." Says Jenna with a frightened face running away as the mad man ran before. "I love to scare her for no reason! Anyways... let me handle this!" says Adanna while making herself ready to ring the doorbell. Before even ringing the doorbell Colleen answers the door.
"Oh! Hello there! I have expected a visitor. Well, step inside let's talk having a tea first."Says Colleen. -" Well sure ok. " As soon as Adanna steps inside, she feels like Jenna was right about this house of Colleen's. Adanna then suddenly gets a smell of blood and she was about to faint. But she held strong. "Um... You are a psychic, aren't you?" asks Adanna. "Why yes I am! Why do you ask? Wasn't there a board outside?" asks Colleen. "Oh, I must have missed it then! Oh and- where are we going? It is certainly a long hallway." says Adanna. "Oh! Don't worry about the hallway! This was a home for a family of 10. But due to some circumstances, they were all brutally murdered. Don't worry about this. It happened about 7 years ago." says Colleen. Adanna asked Colleen if she has ever tried to find the murderer or the first-ever person to live in this mansion. But Colleen says that she is just a woman who has a job as a psychic and lives in a house that has records of many crimes and murderers. Due to her being busy most of the time she was not able to search down any person to who this mansion belongs. And she also says that she only has psychic powers. Not the brain of Sherlock Holmes.

Immediately after hearing that, Adanna ran back to the entrance saying to Colleen that she has some work to catch up on. When Adanna got out of the house, she found Jenna scared and rolled into a ball. Adanna asks Jenna what had happened while she was away. "A man came and said that you would never come out of that mansion you went into" says Jenna sobbing. "Now now... no need to worry. I came back. But I did not get many clues except a strange odor and some information about the mansion." says Adanna. "Hm. What do we do now? We are back into square 1." says Jenna. "Square 1? Who said that? Darling! I came back with answers! I just don't have the clues." Says Adanna.

"Um... Jenna, can you please take out the notepad in which I wrote the number plate of the car." Asks Adanna. "Sure! Why not!" replies Jenna. "Just twist them upside down. And Viola! You have got a new car number (6W9M), which exactly belongs to the culprits who stole the gem. C'mon! let's trace this new number plate we found. Let's not be any later." says Adanna.

While tracing down the new number Jenna was really curious to ask Adanna, on how she found the new number plate of the car just by simply flipping it upside down and the information she found about the mansion. So, Jenna asked Adanna, "How did you find the new number and what all happened in the mansion?" Adanna replied "The psychic knew that we were gonna come to her. The psychic knew our interest was within Sherlock Holmes. I knew that something was off with the mansion but the weird thing is... the psychic only knew me. Not you. But Colleen explained that the building had a long record of murdering and she bought the house when it was abandoned by the owner for the past 7 years. But that's a different story. I found out that we just need to flip it... Because... Because... It just popped into my mind. Some things named geometry and symmetry helped me!"
Jenna mumbles "A stutter while she is speaking to me... huh? I have been her roommate for about 5 years now. She has never stuttered to me before. Something is definitely off with Adanna today." "Huh? What was that?" asks Adanna. "Oh! Nothing... just talking to myself about the time and when you were awake and the time the robbery happened." Jenna replies by lying to Adanna.

They found the same car near a port and then found another note with similar handwriting but this time the word was of a ship, named 'PEARL' They looked around for a moment and found the guy who stole the gem from them. He was stepping inside the ship which was named 'PEARL' "Aye! Look Adanna, over there!" says Jenna pointing towards the ship. "Oh HIM! I will teach him a lesson or two about stealing" says Adanna running towards the ship. Jenna joins Adanna and they both reach the ship.

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