At Au Haven

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Adanna and Jenna follow Rosalina and Sunny to their secret hideout from the ship. Adanna hands out a gun to Jenna to keep her safe from any trouble. "WHA-? WHY THE HECK DO YOU HAVE A GUN?! FROM WHERE DID YOU GET IT? HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN THERE WITH YOU? HOW DID THE SECURITY ALLOW YOU INTO THE SHIP?" all questions asked by Jenna with a terror on her face. "Calm down genius! All questions are to be answered later. I promise. Don't waste your time being stunned. Come on! make them put their hands behind their head." Says Adanna.
"Ok let's corner them!" says Jenna. "Hey! Hands up thieves!" says Adanna by pointing the gun towards their head. "Where are you guys off to with the sapphire huh? Give it back to us or you guys will be facing some consequences! Now, go on, hand them back to us!" says Jenna. "Um... How do we know that you guys are also thieves after this precious sapphire, huh?" asks Rosalina by putting her hands down. "Oh, no you don't! Put your hands back up. I am a town detective you see. Look at my license." Says Adanna. "Wha-? When? How? Am I even your roommate??" asks Jenna with a bigger fear on her face. "I told you I would be clearing your doubts after we deal with them. Now let's get them to the nearest police station." Replies Adanna.

"Heh, they are such fools, to be honest. This country has been looking for this gem for quite a while now. Handing us to the police officers isn't gonna do anything for them." Sunny whispers to Rosalie. "Let's act for now. After they give us to the police station let's scram from there." Rosalie whispers to Sunny.

Adanna and Jenna go to the police station with the 2 culprits they found. Adanna and Jenna hand them over to the police and leaves the police station. "Let's book a room and stay there for a while, something tells me that the police are going to set them free." Says Adanna. "Set them free? Why would you think that? And Oh no! don't change the topic, you still have a lot of explaining to do!" says Jenna. "Oh dear no. I'm not changing any topic, I am saying how I feel inside. I feel that the police would set them free because I heard that this country has been looking for this gem for quite a while now. They would just pay the money for the gem and set the culprits free" says Adanna, in a sad sound. "But won't it be there in the news that they have found the gem? And at that time, we could just figure out where the culprits would go, right?" asks Jenna. "I see, you are getting stupid day by day. – "don't you dare call me-" "See at this point I would not keep my identity. I'd rather die, if the social media people broadcast the news on finding the gem they have been looking for and the same gem was stolen from Rome. It could be 3 or 4 days after the police leave the culprits alone. And we have given our names and identity in the police department, there it could state where we come from, the police department would give our names to the broadcasting people, as the ones who brought the gem to Au Haven. The gem is from our country. Our country is where WE came from. Sure enough, Au Haven could thank us for the gem but Rome would see us as if we are the thieves and we could be easily tracked because I work as an undercover FBI." Says Adanna. "😳 A WHAT NOW? AN UNDERCOVER WHAT???" says Jenna screaming. "Jenna, stop screaming, will you? You should not know about this, but because I promised you that I would explain everything to you, I opened up. Let's find a room so we can freshen up and come up with a plan, but mostly on how we are going to get the culprits back from the police station before they set them free, might take some days because the police force needs proof if the gem they stole is real or not." Says Adanna. Adanna and Jenna finally find a motel to spend the night in. "Hey what about the gun you gave me? Do I give you this back or do I keep it?" asks Jenna with cute eyes as if she wants to keep the gun for herself and never want to give it back to Adanna. "You can keep it, for now." Says Adanna.

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