Mission Complete

46 6 2

Thursday, 7 AM

"Hey! Hey! Wake up, Jenna! You sleepy head!! Wake up!"
"Huh? What's the matter Adanna?"
"Someone contacted me from the police station nearby and they said that the gem is missing from the culprits. I know that I showed them my card, so they would believe that I work for the FBI. So, there could not be any chance that they suspect us." Says Adanna. "Oh! The gem, I forgot to tell you about this but I have the original gem with me." Says Jenna with a wide smile on her face. "Huh? How? Wait- why are you smiling?" asks Adanna. "You see, don't you ever call me stupid -ok?" -"Huh?"- "I'll tell you how I got it. I saw a gem that looked exactly like the one which was missing from the museum. Without wasting much time, I created a decoy and kept it with me. The one I found from the road had a bit of damage within it. I tried my best to recreate it. The one that the thief stole from us before was a decoy because the actual gem was there for a couple of weeks by the road. I found it before the broadcasting of the stealing happened. To be honest, the gem was stolen 4 days before the broadcasting of the news. I just swapped the gems 2 days ago when the media people arrived. Simple as that!" says Jenna with a smirk on her face. "So, you had the gem the whole time and didn't bother to tell??!! Ok now I'm more confused, I'm sorry, can you repeat it please?" asks Adanna. "Sure, but this time keep your ears open! The gem section by the museum is the least visited area. Only 10% of the people walk by that area. Not even the museum employees walk by the gem section. They walk by it, once in 4 days. I went on Sunday. Usually, on Sundays, the museums are often closed. What are 4 days before Sunday?" –"Um. . . Wednesday?" replies Adanna. "Yeah right! Wednesday! Wednesday, was the last day of inspection. This means the next inspection around the gem section of the museum would be on, Sunday. The day which the broadcasting team arrived and informed the whole world of Rome about the theft. Drink some water Adanna, you look like you're very much shocked." Says Jenna while giving the glass full of water. "How can I not be shocked? The words coming out of your mouth are truly scaring me to death. Thank you for the water!" says Adanna and then proceeds to drink the water.

"Yes, Yes, much much scary. You called me stupid, therefore, I want you to take that back. 45...  46... 47...48... 49... 50..." – "Why are you counting Jenna? I'm soo confused by your behavior today."- "Oh! Don't worry about it. 57...58 ...59 ...60! Goodbye Adanna! It was good being friends with you." Says Jenna while Adanna starts choking and falls for her death. "Je-Je-nna, you tr-ai-tor, well- I lo-ve-d, be-in-g fr-iends wi-th you!" *Adanna dies*

"Heh! A police officer who couldn't even hear the whole story of the theft, dies! How pathetic. Well since your dead. I will complete the story because I wanna laugh out loud! Well, you see, I was with Sunny and Rosalie the whole time. Do you think that I wouldn't know about your silly little FBI working? I'm too smart for you Adanna. I stole the gem from the museum on Wednesday, made a decoy, and kept it by the road. Oh, and the thieves were my friends. And Colleen? She was in on this. You went to the mansion, to get yourself killed. Not to find out if her car has been stolen or not. But sadly, you knew what was going on and you ran for your life. Good game it was. I wanted to kill you somewhere... somewhere where the motel is under my name! as sad as it is, your last words were kind enough to melt my heart. But there is no good coming in crying when something is lost!" says Jenna while laughing. "Ok, Steve! My job here is done. Please come and take her to custody." Says Adanna waking up and brushing the dust off her dress.

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