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y/n's pov

I was glad to say that things with Draco were perfect. He was trying, which only made me like him even more.

The sex talk ceased until it was almost non existent, he urged me to talk to Hermione and all of them and he even started making our situation-ship public.

Of course he was still awkward when it came to holding hands and kissing in front of others, but I made sure to keep it minimal to avoid any arguments.

After waking up beside Draco and having our morning shower, I made it my mission to catch up to Hermione before she started her study session.

"Just make sure your, you know, understanding," He pecked my lips and ushered me out of the room, leaving me to collect my thoughts that ran through my head.

Confrontation had always scared me. I imagine it was from the countless nights my parents angry voices filled the empty house and the many harsh words spoken. However, I had never been fond of speaking up about anything really.

I caught Hermione as she was just entering the library with her infamous mountain of books in her mere grasp.

"Hermione!" I rushed over to her taking some of the books she held, clutching them into my chest.

"Is something wrong?" Of course she was confused, we hadn't talked in weeks and now here I am looking like I had gone crazy with a big smile planted on my face.

"No, I was just wondering if we could talk," She gave me a questioning look before she nodded entering the library.

We sat at an empty table where no one could see us, but the anxiety in my stomach turned. What would she even say? What if she didn't want to ever be friends again?

"So, What did you want to talk about?" Hermione had always been the confident kind, always sure of what she says. I, however, hid behind the fake confidence I taught myself to project.

"Look, it wasn't right for me to keep secrets from you and be dishonest. I was just confused and honestly really terrified that you would judge me. I just want to say i'm sorry and I know you don't like Draco from what he has done, but I think I love him," I could see she was taken back my the last comment and so was I.

I had never thought of Draco like that, It was more a burning need for him.

"Well, all I know is I shouldn't have been so quickly to judge. As a friend, the first priority was that you were happy. It doesn't matter who you are with I should have supported you, I'm also really sorry," I smiled feeling the heavy weight lift off me. Although I was beyond grateful for Draco's support, I missed my friendship with Hermione.

"You should come and stay in our dorm tonight so all of us girls can talk about it," I nodded smiling over at her.

"I'd love too,"

"I'm so proud of you," Draco kissed my forehead as we sat in the common room by the fire. I was just about to head over to Hermione dorm.

"I said something to her that kind of surprised me," I mumbled looking down at my hands in my lap.

"Hm? What was it?" He placed a small strand of hair behind my ear as I nibbled on my lip.

I had thought of what I said the entire day, wondering when the right time was going to come. Was there even a right time? It didn't seem like there was ever a right time with Draco.

"Malfoy!" Goyle appeared beside us with his devilish grin.

"Goyle, What do you want?" Draco huffed Turning his head to look at him.

"Me and Crabbe were thinking of practicing late on the quidditch fields since the game is tomorrow" Crabbe appeared as if on cue.

Draco's gaze fell on me as if he was awaiting permission.

"Go, I should be going to Hermione's anyways," Crabbe and Goyle celebrated in an aggressive handshake as Draco smiled at me.

"Have fun okay," He kissed me gently standing up.

"You too, I'll see you tomorrow?" I replied looking up at his tall stature.

"Of course,"


This chapter is really short but I had to get it out of the way!!!

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