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Hi my gorgeous readers!

I would like to introduce myself and say some things on my mind.

My name is Jasmin and I'm 18 and I adore writing. I made this book in 2020 and I understand that the first few chapters are absolutely horrific and I apologise!

I'm looking to make this book more of a novel type theme if you understand what i'm saying lol. At first this book was kind of a joke and I didn't take it seriously but so many of you have read it and continue to read it so I thought I might focus more on making it better.

I would like to say (even though no one has brought this up) I am very sorry that I have not made this Y/n based book more inclusive with other pronouns and genders. I find it would be a lot of work to write the smut scenes that are gender neutral (sorry if that offends anyone).

I know I'm not a great writer so please understand that i've never shared much of my writing so I haven't gotten a lot of criticism (would be much appreciated just pls no hateful comments i'm sensitive LOL).

P.S. I WOULD LOVE IF ANYONE MADE A COVER FOR THIS BOOK!!!! if you'd like to reply to this in a comment and I'll give you my instagram to send to me<3

Thankyou all for the love you have given this book I appreciate every comment as well (even the slightly mean ones) you are all so funny and I enjoy reading them all <<33

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2022 ⏰

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