Turn you on?

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"Y/n, promise to never leave us again," Ginny wailed as she looked over at me, laying upside down on her bed. Smiling I nodded.

"I'm glad we are all friends again," Hermione added also smiling.

We talked and talked about the new gossip and exams. The whole night I was smiling and laughing, feeling the huge weight on my shoulders ease over time.

"Are you doing anything today, y/n?" We had woken up the next day late, luckily it was a Saturday. We stayed up until the early morning talking, laughing and eating.

"I'm not too sure, I told Draco I would see him today," Hermione nodded stretching her arms over her head.

"Well, Hermione and I were going to do a little shopping later, you can come if you would like," I hadn't realised that for a while now, I hadn't had any company of girls around me. I kind of missed aimlessly shopping for things I definitely didn't need.

"I'll see what Draco is up to, I'll let you guys know later?" Both Ginny and Hermione nodded.

"We are leaving around 2, so be sure to know the answer by then," Humming a yes I started to pack up my few things I had bought and left saying my goodbyes.

It was about 11:30 in the morning and I tried to think what Draco would be doing at this time.

"Your sleeping?" I stood beside his bed looking down at the sleeping boy. I had asked Crabbe where he was, "I haven't seen him leave his room this morning," he replied with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Come here," He muffled opening the sheets to let me in. Groaning I dropped my bag to the floor and took my shoes off, climbing in. He was warm and comfy as he nuzzled his head into the nape of my neck.

"Draco I-" I was interrupted by the sound of his snoring.

"Draco?" I urged as he stirred.

"Just fall asleep with me," His voice was almost too muffled to hear. I wanted to do something with him today, perhaps go to the lake or something. Like a couple does. My face burned as I realised that we weren't an actual 'couple'. The question had never come up, I guess I just sort of thought we were in a way.

"Do you want to do something with me today?" I was still extremely new to this whole 'thing'. I knew that he wasn't obliged to say yes, thinking that maybe Draco wasn't that type of guy.

"Like what?" She answered as I laid stiffly. Now that I had overthought our 'relationship', I felt as if it was awkward to ask.

"Doesn't matter," I whispered back, giving into his warmth and turning to face him body. I looked at his face, so still and almost innocent and wondered how could a boy who looked so normal be so cold hearted?

"Why are you staring?" As soon as he asked my eyes squeezed shut. How the hell did he know? Can he read minds or something? I don't think I would even be surprised.

"I wasn't," I murmured frowning. A small laugh left his lips and I found myself opening my eyes. He looked at me so softly I almost forgot who he was. He showed me a side of him that I don't think anyone knew.

"How cute, I can make you blush so easily," Pushing him away and grunting I frowned at him.

"Shut up," I huffed but the frown on my face was wiped off when his arm snaked around my waist pulling me to his body. My face was now in the nape of his neck, I could hear his heartbeat and smell his sweet cologne. In this exact moment I thought I would die, my heart was beating so hard that I could hear it.

"I'm kidding, but your still cute when you blush," His chin was rested on the top of my head while his hand remained around my waist, my hands were placed against my chest and I found myself grabbing his shirt in my fists nuzzling closer to him.

"Such a dork," I whispered although the words made my cheeks even redder.

"Hey," I lifted my head up to his soft word making eye contact with him.

"I missed you," He smiled down at me, and I couldn't help but feel frustrated by how calm he can be saying things like that.

"What? You didn't miss me?" He teased when I laid there watching him in silence. I hummed a yes scared that if I was to speak i'd say something completely ridiculous.

"Good." He kissed my forehead returning to his previous position closing his eyes. It was a weird feeling, this was normally the time Draco would try to have sex with me, teasing me and saying dirty things, but right now he seemed content just holding me. Which made me also wonder, does he like me for more than sex?

Perhaps, he is just extremely tired, even for something he seemed to care more about than anything. I also wondered, did I not turn him on anymore? He normally wouldn't be able to control himself around me, but now he's saying lovey dovey things to me while holding me close.

Maybe Draco was changing his ways, although I didn't want to give myself the credit of persuading him to do that. Not yet, however.

"Draco?" I asked, not bothering to look up at him, just in case I lost all my confidence.

"Yeah?" He replied, so casually.

"Do I still turn you on?" It's decided, I definitely hate myself. What sort of question is that?!

"Where did this come from?" His laughed boomed through the room making my stomach drop. He's laughing at me.

"Just forget I said anything," I wish I could crawl into a deep dark hole and stay there forever.

"To answer your question simply, Yes." Again, so calm and relaxed, like talking to me doesn't affect him at all.

"I don't know why your worrying about that, your pretty much the only girl that turns me on," My eyes went so wide I swore they were about to fall out. One of the only?

"Really?" I was glad that was his response. What would I have done if he had said otherwise? Probably run out crying like a toddler having a tantrum. God i'm pathetic.

"Now that I think about it, I haven't even really looked at another girl sexually since I met you," I don't think my fragile heart can take anymore of this, I might just die today.

"Oh," Was all that would come out of my mouth.

"How about you, Do I still turn you on?" I think this is the part where the saying 'have a taste of your own medicine', applies to.

"Well, yeah." Why can't I just be cool and collected like Draco.

"Good girl," This man is doing things to me that he will never understand.

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