Vaca - Oneshot Contest

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Contest by @wordsperminute 

Author note: Using my CH OCs.

"Don't mess with a pregnant lady. They've 1. Been threw enough and 2. Been through it all. So don't push your luck." -Some wise person.


The humanized Rubernam Kingdom was currently trying to get out of bed, but just knowing how the day will play out just... sucks the energy out of anyone. It was the usual cockcrowing morning he had. Sun peaking through his room crows cocking in the background, and him feeling like a lump of trash.

Rubernam (Rubric) was a 200-year-old Country, but he looked about the age of his early 20s. His flag was yellow with a purple, white, and red stripe to the side plus a white stripe going across. He was wearing his clothes from yesterday, a white collard shirt with a black waistcoat and grey trousers. Neither had his leather black shoes been taken off, or the large crown that lay in the bed next to him.

He's able to sit up, but not without yawning three times, stretching, and rubbing his eyes.

A maid came in with his breakfast. Coffee full of caffeine. That's it. What did you expect?

"Sir. I fear this is unhealthy." The maid commented.

"...I'm a country... Human... I'm fine..." Rubric's words were slow and slightly delirious.

The maid leaves it at that, she admits in her mind that she knew almost nothing about Countryhuman anatomy. She leaves Rubric alone so he can get ready.

Rubric yawns again and sips his coffee. "Lillian." He calls his AI. A little clinging noise was made, showing Rubric she was listening. "Daily analysis."

A hologram shows up in front of him, "Today you have five meetings. One with the Senate, another with the Ruban Science Leaders, another with Conlue, and another with... Sir?"

Rubric was snoring while Lillian was talking.

Lillian pulls up the sound of an alarm clock and it beeps at 100% sound.

Rubric yelps and looks around. "What! What! What did I...?" He looks down at the hologram. "Lillian? What was that for?!"

"Sir, I advise you to skip those meetings and sleep more."


"Sir, you have bags under your eyes." Lillian pulls up a mirror. Rubric's eyes widen slightly. His hair was messy, there were obvious bags under his eyes, his eyes were slightly red, his flag was clearly out of its usual color, and he looks so mentally and physically drained.

"...That's nothing..." He yawns. "I'm just getting older."

"Sir, Countryhumans stop aging at 20-years-old," Lillian said back.

Rubric wanted to snap back the sass he is, but nothing came out of his mouth. He told his brain to speak but it wouldn't. He groans into his hands. "I'm fine..." He mumbles.


"Stop... Calling me... Sir... so much." Rubric was still talking into his hands, but Lillian got the point.

"Rubernam, you need to look at the weather."

"No... I don't." Rubric got up and slowly heads to his closet to change.

"Rubernam, the weather is chaos, do you know why?"

Rubric felt anger trickle into him. "Stop..." He yawned. "Asking me questions..."

Lillian paused. "Rubernam, you need to take care of yourself before it's your people you affect and not just the weather."

"I. Am... Fine..." Rubric looks down and realizes he was already dressed. "Oh! Thank you... Lily... I'm dressed." Rubric chuckles hysterically. He starts out the door.

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