England's Disorder

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(This is about England's 'sibling's' perspective on his Personality disorder, then you'll hear in England's POV what is really happening and what disorder he has.

WARNING: Arguments with hurtful words, Cutting, suicide attempt, suicidal thoughts, and talk about disorders. You know the fun stuff.

In this AU Scotland, Wales, England, and Northern Ireland are not related but Northern Ireland and Ireland are related. The UK is his own person or he doesn't need the others to become one to make him. They all live in London England, they are all living in a small house for the summer.

Not historically correct

Not made to offend anyone or romanticize

The UK and Britain Empire are two different people.)

Scotland POV:

I really don't understand England, I used to but know I feel like I never will. He's unpredictable, one day or minute he's the most loveable brother you know next he's cold and violent toward us.

"You are so FREAKING STUPID!" Oh... Speak of the country. I heard England yelling again, I feel angry. This has been happening for my whole life or how long I've known England which is a long time.

I first meet him when the Britain Empire was everywhere but mostly the New World and he was eager to gain land and power. He offered to make a United Empire, made up of Wales, England, Ireland, and me. I declined, later he gave me Enlgnad saying that we would be good friends but I knew he was sent to persuade me. But England surprised me, he was small at the time; he looked like a human 11-year-old. He was quiet and listened to my complaints, I warmed up to him and he started talking more with me.

Though one day I noticed something I should have seen before, a bruise on his cheek. It wasn't an accident I could tell in his eyes he had been hurt, and I knew who hurt him.

I kept him at my house and called my friend EU who knew what to do, England told me everything that happened, how every time he came back without me wanting to sign the paper he was beaten. I felt bad for him, he suffered from my decision. Then he had an idea, to create a new United Empire but call it United Kingdom. One where we could become one country for our peace. I agreed and we made the UK. It didn't take long for the Britain Empire to fall. He crumbled one day and when we buried him I saw England look at the grave with a hateful but look. After that day he was different. He will be a loving person then he'll be cold and distant. Somethings will set him off and others won't, like right now. He aged to a young adult. Though is just plain cold to UK who looks like his father so none of us blamed him, and we told the UK and I know he tries to be close to the English but it never works. I wish I knew what happened to him.

I sigh and got up to see what the commotion was.

I entered the room in were England, Wales, and Northern Irland was. I saw that England and Wales were next to shattered pieces of glass while Northern Irland had a fearful look and he was in the kitchen (the kitchen is connected to the living room). England looked like he was scolding Wales for breaking whatever that was, I quickly stopped the two.

"England what happened?" I said in a slightly bored tone.

England growled, "This child broke one of the vases!" Wales wined with fear as England spoke harshly.

"England. I'm sure it was just an accident. Right, Wales?" I said walking up to Wales who was a little smaller than I.

"Yes it was, but England won't let me explain myself." She said. England growled angrily and folded his arms at her response. I looked at England with a 'did you?' look.

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