England's Disorder pt2

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Wales POV:

I hopped along the sidewalk, the memory of England shouting at me was still in my brain. I saw his note about him being sorry but I am still angry at him, he should have told me face to face.

I sighed and kept walking along but I was passing by the Graveyard, I never liked that place it was creepy. I have a feeling to look inside, so I stopped and poked my head in.

I saw a headstone, another headstone, fog, a person, another headstone- Wait. A person. My gaze went passed them, they wore a suit with a top hat and I think they have a flag. So they must be a country-human, I was guessing it was but I wasn't all sure. All I knew was that they were over a large headstone on the hill so they must have been important to that person when they lived.

I was lost in my questioning thoughts when suddenly the person was walking out and to the graveyard's gate. I got my head out of the clouds and slowly walked to them. They were heading the direction away from me so I assume they didn't see me. Maybe I should call out to them.

"Hey!" I said starting to run to them.

They turned at it was. England?

"Oh, hi Wales." England slowed his walking so that I could catch up.

I smiled at him his gave a weak smile back but it faded and he looked away from me, "What were you doing in there?"

England was quiet for a minute, "Just, uh... Visiting the dead." He gave a nervous small laugh.

I didn't know what to say to him so we just walked toward the house. Halfway England wanted to break the silence. "Uh, Wales..." He began rubbing his neck. "I'm sorry... for yelling at you." England looked at me finally, I wasn't sure if I should forgive him but he looked like he meant it so I did.

"I forgive you!"

England smiled at my words which made me smile back.

"So who did you visit?" I hopped along the sidewalk with England and I didn't see his troubled look.

"U-Uh, No one important."

"But everyone's important!" I stopped and the two of us turned to each other, "Like you! Your important!"

England laughed at my words, "Thanks Wales." He went on his knees to be at my height then he hugged me. I hugged back.

"Wanna...Maybe get Ice-cream?" England asked me I glowed.



England and I walked threw the door and into our house, both had a smile on our face.

I was chatting with England and when we came in, Scotland and Northern Ireland were surprised to see us getting along. Scotland smiled and joined our conversation with Northern following.

I listened for a little bit but then I heard UK come in he looked a little angry.

"Can I talk to you England?" He said sternly, I felt scared. England looked nervous England got up and walked to UK who took him to another room. He closed the door behind him.

I look at Scotland and Northern, we go to the door and put the side of our head on the door to listen like little cartoon characters.

I had a bad feeling.

United Kingdom POV:

"We need to talk about your behavior." Is how I began, I felt like England was hiding something. I'm not sure if the others noticed that he would be kind but then act like we offended him and hate us. Like just recently, he and Wales argued last night but now he acted like it never happened. I was frustrated especially since I think he's playing with me, I know I look like his father but he'll talk to me kindly then the next hour he'll just yell at me like I was hurting him. I don't understand, we have so much in common. We are addicted to tea, and we even dressed sum what the same.

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