I deserve it

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"Who the fuck was that guy you were texting"

I furrowed my brows confused before I thought of the only person I was texting...my cousin

"U-umm h-he w-was my-my cous-"

"Don't lie to me with that bullshit"

I was shocked...

"N-no seriously he's m-my auntie mae's k-kid"

"You mean that slut?"

I frowned "d-don't call her a sl-"

I gasped when the back of his hand hit my face.

"Don't what?"

I put my head down, tears forming in my eyes. I knew better than to respond

"Fucking exactly" he spat "don't tell me what to do unless you wanna walk...limp out of here with bruises"

I nodded, and let the tears drop on my hands. After a few minutes he sighed and pulled me into his arms, and this was what I hated. This is what kept me...he would mentally or physically hurt me giving me the courage to leave, but then he would do this. Manipulate my stupid brain into thinking he loves me.

"Baby I'm sorry...I didn't mean to make you cry. You just made me mad, okay?"

I nodded

He placed kisses all over my face, making me smile lightly. My body never relaxed around him. I was always tense, but sometimes he did make me happy, making me not want to leave. Even if I could leave I didn't have the strength...the balls to leave.

I met Alex my junior year, I'm now a senior. Yes, I've been with him for that long. He was nice at first you know...quarterback of the football team, stunning smile that would make anyone's knees wobbly, attractive laugh that left me in a daze. Manipulation at its finest

He had dirty blonde hair, dark green eyes, a few freckles, and lightly tanned skin. He made me feel weak...I was so confident in my freshman and sophomore years. I was fine with my looks, and my social status, and how I carried myself. But as soon as Alex walked into my life with a football in hand and evil tendencies in his brain everything changed...I'm not me anymore.

After peppering and knowing for a fact I wouldn't leave him, he let me go.

"You can go home now"

And just like that, with a snap of my fingers he went from loving to disgusted.


I walked out of his room, down the steps, and straight out the door. Avoiding his family's knowing, and concerned eyes. They knew how their son was, but how could they turn in their own flesh and blood. Even when he abuses them too.


I woke up the next morning not up to going to school...I knew my dad wouldn't care, but Alex would go on this stupid rampage about me cheating on him. That would most likely end up with me in the hospital. I literally have to tiptoe around him, but not make it noticeable, because he gets mad when he thinks I'm scared of him. Does he expect me not to be?

My mom died during my little sister's birth, so now it's just my dad raising us both. He hasn't tried to find anyone new yet. I think he's scared, or worried about our reactions. I would personally love it if my dad found someone he could care for. He's done a lot for me, and my sister. He deserves at least the chance to love again. I think mom would like it if he moved on...it's been 7 years.

2 for 1(on hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora