getting comfortable

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Being squished between two hot guys isn’t terrible, it's actually a dream...well that’s if you don’t have trauma. If you do? It’s a nightmare


“Please p-please alex...let me g-go” I sobbed

He just looked at me while 2 out of 3 of the guys held me down while the other was readying up. 

“I-I do-hont want to do thiiiss...PLEASEEE!!!”  

I tried to yank myself out of the grips of the bodies beside me, but they were too strong.

“Shut the hell up before I beat you like the little bitch you are” Alex threatened 

I choked on my own tears at his words...silent tears fell down my face as I held my breath to prevent any sobs from coming out.

I did as best as I could..but as soon as the guy started approaching me, Alex had his camera out recording everything that was happening before him. My mouth fell open and a loud sob spilled from my lips. It was desperate...a cry for help. Yet no one came

As soon as my  mouth fell open and a sob left my lips one of the guys holding me down spit in my mouth while the other slapped me.

“Shut the hell up”

I gagged hard. I was so busy gagging and crying I didn’t even notice the guy in front of me until he entered me in one thrust making me scream out in pain.

Flashback over

“Akeno...Akeno...hey it’s okay”

I was currently on Xander’s lap, head against his chest, a shaky sweaty mess while he ran his fingers through my hair. 

“You started shaking okay?”

I nodded...lie

“You lying”

I nodded again

He slightly smiled 

“What were you thinking about hmm?”

My body tensed up...from the question and I felt like I was missing something. Drew walked into the room with a cup of ice water and that’s when I realized that something is someone. I felt more complete but my body was still tense from the question.

“You don’t have to tell us love...if you're not ready. Just know you can trust us”

I nodded halfway asleep  from Xander running his fingers through my hair. He chuckled before laying me down under the covers. I faintly remember him and Drew walking out the room to talk about something before falling asleep.


Drew’s POV



“I don’t want this”

“Let me g-go”

Those are the words that my baby repeated over and over again.Body shaking with so much violence Xander  had to restrain him in his he wouldn’t hurt himself. Sweat was literally dripping down his forehead. His reactions were like he was reliving what happened. I can’t even begin to imagine

I knew it was forced from the first word that came out of his mouth. I wish we could have been there for him from the beginning. I wish he didn’t have to deal with that. When he opened his eyes I left to go get him a cup of ice water. While Xander made sure he was okay

After he fell asleep, me and Xander left the room to talk.

“It’s hard to see”

I nodded in agreement

“It sucks we can’t do anything, but be his support and hope he realizes he’s important.” he said

“Yeah...we should go back”


I followed him into the room and to the bed.


Akeno’s POV 

I woke up the next morning to the smell of bacon and blueberry waffles...I instantly got out of bed. Before walking out I went through their drawers. Remind me to never go through his top draw again…

I grabbed one of his shirts and put it on. I wasn’t that small compared to them so the shirt only went slightly lower than my ass. I shrugged it off, and walked to the connected bathroom. My hair was a fucking mess

I found a comb and a brush to comb out my hair before just putting it in a high man bun, and spraying oil sheen on it to make it shine. After that I followed the smell of food all the way to the kitchen finding a  shirtless Drew, and Xander.

Their eyes instantly went to my thighs, and my eyes instantly went to the six packs showing, and the print showing in Drew’s Gray sweatpants

“Aye eyes up here Akeno”

I laughed “I could say the same to you”

He smirked, and handed me a plate

“It’s all yours baby”

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