
584 17 4

Tw: alcohol, drugged, non consent touching


Akeno's POV

I was currently at June's place after babysitting Ai. She was ranting about dancing, and getting drunk. Which I did not plan on doing



"Try this on"

June made me bring half my wardrobe with me so she could choose my outfit. Right now she was making me try on leather pants with chains hanging from the side and a white fitted shirt that actually showed off the muscles in my body. She looked me up and down a few times

"Fuck Can I fuck you?"

I smirked a little "If you get lucky"

I missed was how we use to joke

She laughed and started stripping dead in front of me to get changed. I turned around only to face a mirror before quite literally jumping to the side. I heard her laughing from behind me

"Oh my god you can look you know"

"I would look if I was fully gay, but since I'm not...I'm gonna keep my eyes trained on this sexy poster of ban from seven deadly sins"

Not only that...but as soon as I saw her stripping from her shirt the twins flashed through my thoughts...we may be over, but I could never. Not yet anyway

"Okay you can turn around now"

She looked kinda mad...I don't know why

She had on a fitted white dress that stopped about mid thigh with cuts going all the way down both her sides.

"No panties?" I asked

"Nope, going commando"

I laughed


When we opened the door to the party I instantly got a whiff of must, dollar store cologne, throw up, and liquor. Not a good start...

June grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the kitchen. She let go of my hand and started mixing a few of the drinks together. I couldn't see exactly what she was doing, because she was standing in front of me.

She turned around with two cups in her hand handing me one...

"drink up lovebug, it's time to go dancing"

I stared at the cup reluctantly....

"Come on Akeno one cup won't hurt, unless your a lightweight"

She's right...I bought the cup up to my lips and took a sip

"All of it" she urged

And I did...I chugged...all of it

As soon as my cup was empty she knocked it out of my hand, sat her cup back on the counter and dragged me to the dance floor. I wanted to question why she didn't drink her's ,but i quite literally couldn't get the words out my mouth

I started feeling very hot

Like June knew what I was thinking she turned around and smiled, there was something so off in her smile I just couldn't put my finger on it. When we got to the middle of the floor June started grinding on me, and that's the moment I realized I was hard

When I reached down towards her hips the plan was to push her away from me, but my hands seemed to have  a mind of their own because I ended up pulling her closer

I threw my head back a little only for it to land on someone's shoulder. I couldn't tell who he was through my blurry vision, but he looked oddly familiar...

He put his hands on my waist and grinded up against me making my mouth fall open. My brain was screaming at me to push them away..but my body felt so weak. When the song changed I felt myself getting dragged up some stairs.

I think I tried to tug away but instead I got pushed forward forgetting this dude was behind me. When we made it to a empty bedroom June instantly pulled her dress up and sat on the bed legs wide open

"Nope, I'm going commando"

I felt someone pushing me towards her and once again made eye contact with an oddly familiar face. He lifted my weak hand and put my fingers directly on her...area

My first instinct was to pull my fingers away but I instead crawled on top of her, and started moving my fingers in a circular motion. She threw her head back and moaned before grabbing my neck and connecting our lips...

It felt wrong god it felt so wrong...but I couldn't stop. My mind start getting cloudy in sexual frustration. I started blanking out next thing I know I'm kissing the strange guy...his hand around my throat a smile forming on his lips while he moved his hands down my chest towards my member

But he didn't get that far...I heard the sound of the bedroom door bursting open. I heard June scream...I felt the dude being torn away from me....but I also felt my head hitting a pillow and me blacking out.


"Fuuckkkk" I groaned when I opened my eyes

My head was banging, and I couldn't remember a fucking thing. My thoughts stop at June dancing on me at the party. The harder I try to remember the more my head hurts. It took a while before I realized....I've been in this bed before

And when I looked towards the door I made eye contact with Xander. I instantly became sad, and he noticed because he sighed before bringing me two pills and a cup of orange juice.

"When you feel ready...come downstairs so you can talk to us okay?"

I nodded



My voice cracked slightly, but he nodded and walked out of the room. I slowly got out of the bed and took the pills before stripping out of my clothes...I smelled horrible. I walked to the connected bathroom, turned the shower on, and looked at myself in the mirror. First thing I noticed was my bed head, my bags

But then I noticed...2 red ass hickies on both sides of my neck. One was slightly smaller than the other like a female did it...and the other was bigger like a ma-

I shook my head to stop the thoughts because that would lead to a panic attack. Bad idea though because my head just started throbbing again.


I slowly walked downstairs literally dreading this talk. They were both in the kitchen sitting on stools across from one stool.

Damn is this a interview

They watched me as a walked to the stool and lifted myself up to sit on it...they looked mad...worried...frustrated



I wanted to write a longer chapter, but I'm currently sick and not feeling good at all. Stay tuned tho their might be one later tonight.

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