Old friend

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Xander's  POV

¨He's driving me crazy..¨

¨yeah¨ Drew sighed

¨but at the same time I'm scared to initiate anything that he might see as controlling...anything that would give him flashbacks. When we do shit like that I want his mind to stay on us¨

¨you know maybe we should just do it...He likes the stuff we've done so far, yes he gets slightly scared but it's in the process of healing. We can't just hold off forever¨ He said

¨you don't think that would break his trust¨ I asked

¨to be honest...I don't. It doesn't necessarily have to be in a sexual way nor physical if anything we can sit down and talk to him¨

¨psst what are we gonna do start naming off our kinks? Pretty sure the kid would run if I told him I like to be called daddy and see him on his knees¨

He started laughing ¨I highly doubt that would be the thing to send him running if anything it would be the aspect of getting consequences when you disrespect us yk...¨

¨He's already good at respecting...yk how hard I get when he asks for permission to do something? Like earlier when he ask to hang out with sum girl¨

¨yeah I think her name was july?



I laughed ¨no¨



¨yk what? I got it¨

I arched my eyebrow


¨nig- that's a whole nigga name¨

¨okay? Ain our cousin's name justin?

¨no mf it's justina now remember? She transitioned¨

¨oh- so what is it¨


¨june..july same damn thing¨

¨no it's-  anyways like you said we can just sit down and talk to him I mean he's coming over after school anyways¨

Speaking of that


Akeno's POV

School wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, yes my story was on the news, but I had the choice to be anonymous which I chose without question. I had the twins, and June with me who I was planning on hanging out after school with. Alex wasn't there and after June I'm supposed to meet with the twins.

The final bell for the end of the last period rang and I was one of the first students out of the class. I got my things from my locker before meeting with June at the stop sign.

¨HIIIIIII¨ she ran towards me and jumped wrapping her legs around me. I wrapped my arms around her back squeezing the life out of her as she did the same to me. I didn't realize how much I missed her until now. She was my real life best friend.

I felt wetness seeping through my shirt and heard sniffling from my shoulder which her head was lying on. She lifted her head and looked me straight in the eyes. Her nose and cheeks were flushed and her hazel eyes watery.

¨I missed you so much akeno¨ she sobbed

Making my own eyes tear up

¨I missed you to¨ my voice slightly cracking

She jumped down from me and grabbed my hand making me smile at her

¨let's go¨


We just walked around talking to each other. Talking about what's been going on lately....their were a few tears and anger, because I told her about the abuse with my ex who she never liked anyway. There was also happiness when she told me about her new girlfriend and I told her about the twins.

¨ooouuu maybe we can have an orgy one day? Yk me kenna the twins and you¨

I could tell she was joking, and shocked her with my deadass answer

¨hell yeah¨

She laughed while we waited for the light to turn red for walking. Still talking to June I seen the red light out of my peripheral vision, but not the turning signal


I heard the loud honking of the truck that was just about to hit me, the bright lights looking me dead in my eyes before my laughing boyfriend pulled me back against him. He was hunched over with laughter tears coming out of his eyes


He was laughing while I was frozen with tears leaking down my face the cold wind blowing them away...not only that but he's the one that pushed me



June screamed yanking me back by my shirt she's smaller than me so I fell against her both of us falling to the ground

We both were breathing hard before looking at each other and surprisingly...I'm not shaken up by the flashback. I looked at her and we laughed- cars driving by and strangers looking at us trying to figure out what was so funny about me almost getting hit by a car

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