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Akenos POV


I didn't go to school the next day making my dad worried, but I told him everything was just fine. The call really spooked me to the point of powering my phone off. Before my dad left for work this morning and to take my little sister to school he brought up some mail for me. 2 were from a college...and one...had my name written on the outside of the envelope in a person's handwriting I never wanted to hear from again.

I shouldn't open it...I should burn it...I should have ripped it as soon as I saw it. I got the letter maybe 3 hours ago, I've been sitting in the same spot since that time staring at it fighting myself on opening it or destroying it. I've never liked deciding for myself. I've always been quite indecisive. That's why I loved being in relationships even with females. I loved them overpowering me.

But Alex might have ruined that for me...he took it to a whole new level, and basically controlled my life. I finally decided to get out of bed and take a damn shower...


Drew's POV

¨we fucked up¨ I said

¨yeah...¨ Xander sighed

¨like really really REALLY fucked up¨

¨I know¨

I couldn't stop pacing back and forth

¨Like re-¨

¨Drew shut the hell up I know...we're gonna fix it just be patient¨

Thinking about the things he could have done to himself pained me...badly


Xander instantly  released Brian from his arms when Akeno closed the door.


I was having a hard time containing myself from snapping at this dude and from what I can see so was Xander

¨what do you mean who was that??¨ Xander asked

Calm before the storm



Yes Brian is our ex sub, and yes we have another brother

¨Why did you kiss me brian..¨ I started calm let's hope it stays that way

¨because¨ he walked towards me ¨I missed you baby¨

He tried to touch my face but I smacked his hand away with a scoff.

¨did we or did we not tell you we were talking to someone else before you came over¨

¨yeah but-¨

¨BUT FUCKING NOTHING¨ xander jumped in

¨you came here for one thing and one thing only and that was to end our sub/dom relationship once and for all¨

¨I know but-¨

¨let's just get this over with so you can get the hell out of out house brian¨

Flashback over


It was all just a misunderstanding..honestly. We may not have been officially together, but Akeno belongs to us. That was the day we were gonna make it known...but we never signed off our contract with brain, because of how everything ended.

Not gonna lie he hurt us...he was our sub for maybe 3 years come to find out he was fucking our brother anythony for 2 of those years behind our backs...

We are currently not on speaking terms with that brother. Everything happened so fast we just never thought about it until Akeno came along. We wanted to end it that night but–


Akeno's pov

I finally went back to school just ditching the classes that I had with the twins thankfully not alone the good friend that June skipped with me. Everything happened on monday...and it's currently thursday. Sad to say there has been no improvement in my heart whatsoever. I told June what happen and she said and I quote

¨you should have let them explain love...for all you know this is all a big ass misunderstanding¨ after slapping me upside my head. I ignored her...after overthinking it all night.

I still haven't powered my phone on and I honestly don't plan to. June said something about fake ID's and going to the club, but I kinda droned her out so when she told me she was picking me up at 10PM you can guess the confusion on my face.

¨for what¨

¨omg Akeno..." she sighed ¨we're going clubbing¨

¨who??¨ I asked

¨me¨ she pointed to herself ¨and you¨ she pointed to me

I proceeded to look around the room


She laughed ¨come on Akeno it'll be funnnnn! Plus your depressed gay ass needs some liquor in your system¨

I scoffed ¨do you know what would happen to my asian ass if I came home drunk and smelling like liquor¨



¨and who said anything about going home say your spending the night with me¨

¨I'll think about it¨ I said

¨great see you then¨ she kissed my cheek and walked across the street to go home¨


Dad👨💙💩: 明野 (Akeno)

Me: 是的? (yeah)

Dad👨💙💩: 你能和艾呆在一起吗? (can you stay with Ai)

Me: 多久? (how long)

Dad👨💙💩: 大约 9 (about 9)

Me: 好的 (okay)

Dad👨💙💩: 👍谢谢 (thanks)
                                           Read: 5:00

¨AKENOOOO!¨ Ai yelled


She didn't respond until I looked up to see the evil smile on her face


¨you gonna let me paint your nails and do your hair?¨ she put on the puppy dog eyes

Aww how can I say no to that face


And just like that the cuteness dropped

¨what¨ she said as if she didn't hear me correctly

¨I said...N O¨

¨okay¨ she shrugged


¨yeah okay¨

Than she walked away

¨hey akeno?¨ she yelled from down the hall


¨nothing¨ I could hear the smile in her voice...

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