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Xander POV

me and Drew were trying to think of a way to get Akeno back...

"We could kidnap him"

I looked at him like he was stupid "bro what"

"...you heard me...or we could break into his house inna middle of the night while his dad is sleeping"


"You know or-"

"Just shut up" I laughed

It was around 12am and we were leaning towards the idea of trapping him at school...

"I-" drew stopped mid sentence when his phone dinged "hold on"

He looked down towards his phone and started playing a video from what I could see. I watched his facial expressions Gonfrom neutral to confused to worried to pissed the fuck off

He handed me the phone without saying a word

In the video Akeno was holding June's waist while she grinded against him...that's what confused me than someone started walking towards them placing their hands on Akeno's waist...that's what worried me

But when the camera was turned around towards a face I never wanted to see again...that's what angered me.

Anthony...our brother


Again...a fucking gain was all I could think as Drew sped towards the house this was happening at. The dumbass left his location on...

I don't know what we did so bad to him that he constantly tries to ruin our lives...first Brian now Akeno?

I'm shocked, angry, worried so many emotions are jus going through me right now.

"Can you speed up..."

"Nigga I'm already going 20 miles past the speed limit..."

I didn't say anything just closed my eyes to calm myself down. Eventually the car was very recklessly parked, and we both ran towards the house with flashing lights.

When we stumbled through the door the first thing we smelled was alcohol, must, and fishiness. It almost made me gag, but my priority was Akeno

We split up at first looking everywhere on the first floor and when we couldn't find him we made a beeline towards the stairs

The first door we opened was a bathroom there was a guy laying on the floor with one girl riding his face and the other girl riding him. The next door we opened was a DL basketball player from our school getting head from the straight A nerd...

We'll get into that later. Finally drew busted into the room where June was. The sight pissed me off so bad I wanted to shoot him...

Anthony had his hand wrapped around Akenos throat while kissing him and trailing his hand down to places it shouldn't be traveling. June screamed and very fakely tried to cover her naked body.

I paid no mind to her...drew ran straight towards Anthony and yanked him off of Akeno. I wanted to go to Akeno, but when I seen him black out on the bed I went to Drew who was currently losing against our son of a bitch brother

June screamed again and I threw a pillow against her head so hard she might have a concussion...


Drew was carrying a knocked out Akeno in his arms towards the car. The party was still going on while both Anthony and June were knocked out upstairs...

I wanted to do so much more to Anthony but if I did I would probably kill him. Not that I would mind tho

When we got to the house Drew put Akeno in the bed and we had a long talk and what exactly we were gonna say in this talk...

"It's definitely time..."


This chapter is definitely shorter than usual😭 my apologies I'll make a longer one tomorrow !!! This chapter is also unedited as all my chapters are if you see an error let me know and I will fix it.💕

2 for 1(on hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora