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Xander's POV

We watched him as he sat down in the chair across from us very reluctantly...he looked tense and confused.


He looked towards Drew who had whispered his name softly for his attention. He was dreading this talk shit we were dreading this talk.

"We have to talk about a lot of things...but first let's start with what you saw the other day"

His shoulders sagged instantly

"I know you don't want to but you have to"

The tone of his voice changed on the word have it was more commanding. Akeno noticed this and naturally submitted without even realizing it. That made me smile lightly.

"That was our ex su- boyfriend Brian...we were calming him to officially end things with him. Since we didn't before" I finally said

A look of confusion crossed his face when I said that. I knew he wouldn't yet understand what I meant by officially end things, because in his head ex meant it was officially over....

I almost slipped up by saying sub, but I caught myself. Drew tensed up beside me when he heard my slip up. Yes we're gonna tell him...but not like that

He didn't say anything but nod...slowly like he didn't believe a single word that just left my mouth

Drew sighed dramatically next to me

"Look" he started turning towards me "we can't tell him this story without telling him the other thing first" he said

He was right...Akeno was not gonna believe that our ex boyfriend came over to end things officially. That doesn't even make sense

"So umm...Akeno" I coughed

He looked towards me expectantly and impatiently

Patience's baby...

"Do you by any chance know what the term 'bdsm' is"

He slowly nodded his head

"Words baby" Drew spoke up

"I- uh yeah...I've heard of it"

Their was a Light blush tainting his cheeks

"Just heard of it"

"Mhm.." he lowered his head

I saw Drew tense from the corner of my eye when he did that...me to Drew me fucking to. See what I mean? Naturally submissive

"You wanna tell us the truth Akeno?"

"I umm. mayhavewatchedafewpornvideosaboutit"

I smirked "can you repeat yourself but a tad bit slower"

I heard him...I heard him loud and clear

"I may have watched a few porn videos about it" he mumbled

Drew smiled next to me

"Oh did you now?"

"Just a little" he whispered


"Well...me and drew are apart of the community"

He look towards us so fast from the counter I coulda swore I heard his neck crack

"That's why...Brian was here. We had a Dominant/submissive contract with him, but we never ended it" Drew said

"Yeah...we wanted to end it so we could try and start one with you"

I swear his eyes got wider and wider with every word we said

"Y-you" he pointed to me "a-and you" he pointed to drew "wanted to be m-my dominants"

"Want" I corrected

"Only with your permission of course...I assume you have some knowledge on it from your videos"

"Mhm..." he blushed

"We weren't cheating on you Akeno...we would never" Drew said

"Why'd you guys break it off..." he asked

"Um...we found out he was cheating on us with our brother for 2 out of 3 of the years we were dating"

He didn't respond to me and that's when I realized he was deep in thought. And just like that I assumed he started remembering some of last night

"Oh my god imma gonna puke"

He hopped up us right behind him as he ran to the bathroom dropped to his knees and threw up basically nothing in the toilet

Drew held his hair back away from whatever did come up

"Oh god..I'm- I'm so fucking sorry!" He cried

"Sh sh shhh baby, why are you apologizing" Drew rubbed his back up and down while I kneed beside them and held his hand

"Because I let someone...no I let two other people t-touch me"

"Awww baby it's not your fault...June drugged you"

His tears instantly stopped and he face turned slightly angry

"She what!?"

"The alcohol you drunk luv...she put something in it."

He had a look of pure shock, disgust and disappointment on his face. I was debating if I should tell him that my brother was the man that touched him, but before I could get a word out he seemed to realize himself

"Oh my god" he cried again "that's why he looked so f-familiar"

"It's okay baby we handled it" I said


We took about 20 minutes to let him calm down and reassure him that it was okay. We moved to the couch to finish the conversation. Him in between both of us

"Do you think you're too overwhelmed to continue this?" I asked

He shook his head no

"Verbal" Drew said


"Okay we'll the big question is...would you like to go over a contract with us, and at the end see if you would or would not like to try it? It would not be permanent seeing as your a beginner it would simply be a trial...."


Authors note: I do not know much about BDSM...all of my knowledge will be coming from what I know and my good friend google💕. If you want to correct me on something please do, but do it nicely don't come at me or my characters. I will delete your comment I have before I'll do it again. I take criticism once again if you see any spelling mistakes let me know.

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