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Romance 101

It's a pretty safe assumption that your first time "officially" hanging out with someone, you probably should not do two things. One – get shit-faced drunk. Two – throw up. I, Yongsun Kim, have managed to do both of those last night. Moonbyul probably thinks I'm a fucking lush now, not just a lush, but also a lush that can't handle their liquor. I vaguely remember us taking shots, and then dancing. Oh my God that dance! I saw her dance the first day I met her in the park and I could tell she was awesome, but the dance last night was so sexy, and when she had me only look into her eyes to follow her lead is purely ecstasy. There is something about Moonbyul that drives me wild, it doesn't matter if we are in sweats watching TV, or she is in that skin tight dress from last night, that woman is hot.

What else do I remember? Ummmmm, oh yeah that kiss. It wasn't like our previous kisses, short and sweet. This one was full of passion and desire, and she is a top notch with her tongue skills, and it makes me wonder is...Nope, No! I'm not letting myself go down that road again, not this soon. I find someone I like and we have sex too soon and we never reach the relationship stage. I like Moonbyul, like really really like  Moonbyul and I want to do this right with her. But let's just say, I know for a fact our sex will be amazing. After the kiss, everything was a blur aside from me throwing up and her rubbing my back. I'm pretty sure she left after that.

I groan from the pounding in my head and stir a little when I feel a soft kiss on the back of my neck and a hand rubbing softly and slowly in circles against my stomach. My eyes shoot open immediately.

"Do you need to throw up again?" Moonbyul whispered.

I shake my head slowly. "B-Byul?" I rasp out. Let's add my throat that is hurting on the list of pain shooting through my body right now. This feels like the worst hangover I have ever had.

I feel the covers shift and Moonbyul move her arm from my stomach.

"Good morning," She says softly with a big smile as I turn my head and see her now hovering over me. I can't help but put on my best smile.

"Good morning," I whisper back. "What are you doing here?"

Moonbyul frowns slightly. "You asked me to stay, you don't remember?"

I freeze and instantly feel bad. Why do I keep making this gorgeous woman frown, oh, I'm a bitch, that's right. "I, I uh, kind of do," I say truthfully. I vaguely remember saying something to her but I definitely don't remember her getting in bed with me, I absolutely don't mind though. It's nice waking up in someone's arms, and not Hwasa's when she is being super clingy and needy for someone to cuddle with when Loco is out of town for business.

"I can leave," She says quickly while moving to get up.

"No!" I almost yell out and grab her arm. "Please don't," She smiles and giggles softly before kissing me on the forehead. "I like that you're here right now," I say with a smile. "So, you took care of me all night?" I ask her shyly.

She bites her bottom lip and nods. "You were really sick last night, and I didn't want to leave you. I was going to sleep on the couch, but you asked me to hold you."

I closed my eyes and it all came back to me. I began to smile like a dope. "I do remember now," I tell her while reaching up and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "I guess I kind of expected you to leave after I fell asleep."

"I would never do that." Moonbyul said softly.

"So, how bad was I last night?" I ask her while cringing.

"Bad?" She asked while climbing on me softly and resting her elbows on my sides so she can hover over me more comfortably and look into my eyes.

"Like, did I throw up all night or?" I ask.

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