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Three's A Crowd

4 am

Today has been the longest day of my life and the only thing I want to do Is take a shower, and dive in bed with Moonbyul, get a kiss or two in and sleep for the next twelve hours. Yes, I said twelve hours. My morning started 24 hours ago when I woke up to Chef screaming at the top of his little lungs. I jumped out of bed because I thought Mr. G finally snapped and was killing him. Chef is in this phase where he keeps climbing on Mr. G and eating sometimes bites on his ears softly to get him to play but when I reached the living room Chef was actually cuddled close to Mr. G while he screamed behind a puddle of vomit. I looked around and saw a few more puddles and felt my heart drop. Chef was sick.

I picked him up quickly and rubbed his back to try to calm him down before I took him and set him in the guest bathroom so I could clean him up. Damn it, the dog must have rolled in the vomit or stepped in it or something. What the hell would make our normally perfectly healthy puppy get sick? Oh, I know! Hwasa giving him fuckin treats all damn day and night! I had to literally snatch the box out of her hand and hide it in our room yesterday. Treats are supposed to be used for reinforcement of good behavior not because he licked your hand. After I cleaned out Chef's bed and cleaned up the other small puddles of vomit in the living room, I wiped off Mr. G's paws and watched him jump back in the windowsill and go to sleep. I've never understood how he's able to jump up there, he is as big as he could get, but I guess since cats are super agile he still can.

Moonbyul woke up and tried to help me, but I sent her back to bed since she had to teach a class before working a midday shift at the diner in just a few hours. She reluctantly went back to bed and I gave Chef a quick bath and set him back in his bed. I Googled what to do about a puppy's upset stomach and decided to use the method of starving it out to give his stomach a rest, so I grabbed his water bowl and took it to the kitchen so he couldn't drink anymore for a few hours. I then wrote down I needed to get some Pedialyte from the store since another website said I could use a little of that mixed in with his water to help even more. Then I had to clean up the bathroom because I knew Hwasa would be getting up for work and I didn't want to hear her bitch about the bathroom is dirty. Hwasa's been staying with us for a little over a week and has bitched about the bathroom every fucking day. Byul and I are far from dirty and we never use the guest bathroom, so if it's not that clean to her standards, that's on her.

By the time I laid back down, it was 6 am and both Hwasa and Moonbyul were getting up for work. Moonbyul is an angel in the morning, she respects other people's sleep. Which is one of the things I absolutely love about her. I never hear her leave, aside from when she whispers goodbye and kisses me on her way out. Hwasa on the other hand makes more noise than a damn marching band. I hear the blender, she sings loudly and off-key at times in the shower. She slams the fridge door and slams the apartment door ever louder and after dropping her keys at least 10 times before she walks out the door.

I closed my eyes for what seemed like 2 seconds but really was 3 hours before my alarm went off. I had a huge cookie and cupcake order to fill for a retirement party at someone's office. So, I needed to bake and drive the order to Myeongdong, which isn't too far, but definitely took 2 hours out of my day. After doing all of that it was 4 pm and I was working happy hour and my normal shift today. I dragged into the shower and got ready before lazily just putting on a pair of tight jeans and a simple low-cut black tight t-shirt. The bar was chaotic and annoying and full of drunken underage spring breakers, who for whatever reason, came to cold-ass Seoul. I confiscated a few fake IDs that were just terrible and I praised a few that were really good. I made pretty good money but I got tired of being hit on by drunk guys who wouldn't take no for an answer, and college girls that clearly just want to experiment while in the big city.

EASILYNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ